Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hinata (Bonus)

It's been a busy day for me but I just wanted to peek in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Here's a little Christmas Bonus for you. The older version of Hinata barefoot. Enjoy!!

(These were from the ending clip of Naruto Shipuuden Special Episodes 86/87. Massive Thanks to both the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 and Melroser76 for tipping me off to this scene. I really appreciate it guys.)

I love it when a cute girl decides to soak her feet in a cool stream. Alright guys...I promised I would keep this short so that's going to be it for tonight. As usual...more to come soon!!

Happy Holidays Everbody!!!


  1. i know im not the only one thinking this but i would sure love to help warm up her feet

  2. Holy shit! You guys were able to find this?! Now I really gotta watch the Shippuden series. *nods vigourously*

    And I should also point out that that isn't a hot spring. It's a pool of cold water. Sorry. :(

    Although..... she could always use the "Hot Water Bottle" treatment. ;D

  3. *Laughs* oops...that's a good point Kyle. I guess it's editing time.

    I bet there are a lot of people who would love to be her hot water bottle. :-)

  4. yes it truly was a lovely find, oh and Kyle please try to cut back on the swearing

  5. but one can easily tell that this scene was made for Hinata fans that are barefoot beauty lovers, just look on how they put a heavenly shine to them as she gently places them in the water

  6. :-D Hinata's feet are definitely heavenly. I just wish they would give Ino that type of scene (or something similar to the Naruto 3 credits) scene as well.

  7. why dont u all post pictures of your own feet(seems like a good idea)

  8. because that would be guy feet (gags)

  9. yeah true
    lets form a group
    "sole group"

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hinata's feet are cute, wish i could tickle them :P

  12. There is another scene of Hinata barefoot, it's from episode 148 during the bikochu (sp?) beetle arc.

    Anyway i wish Hinata would go barefoot more often.

  13. O_O Thanks for the tip Hinata-chan.

  14. I really appreciate this because Hinata's my most favorite chartacter
