Monday, December 1, 2008

Zelda (Bonus)/Poll of the Month 8

In honor of Zelda's victory in the is a tribute to the sexy princess.

(These are a combination of webfinds depicting the beautiful ruler of Hyrule in her various incarnations and caps from 80's Legend of Zelda cartoon episodes entitled "Fairies in the Spring" and "A Hitch in the Works")
So why would anyone want to worship this princess' feet? Well in addition to being an extremely gorgeous woman, being royalty means Zelda's feet are probably very well taken care of. I picture her soles incredibly soft and smooth with perfectly pedicured toes colored to match whatever she is wearing. Plus Zelda's sweet and playful personality* ensures that anyone lucky enough to be her foot servant would have a good time. Sometimes she might be gentle using her feet to tenderly caress your face after you gave her a good foot rub or maybe allowing you to display your devotion for her by letting you worship her feet to your heart's content. I can also picture her using her feet to tease you playfully kicking your face around and forcing you to smell them.
Added onto that, this girl knows magic meaning there are a variety of spells this girl could cast to make your experience more enjoyable. Picture her shrinking you down and putting you in her boot. With so many scenarios available...I guess it's no surprise that so many people would happily jump at the opportunity to take care of her feet.
Also everyone, I added a new holiday poll of the month. Assuming you could spend the holidays nice and warm at the feet of a sexy anime or videogame heroine...who would you want to spend it with? This time the characters you have to choose from are the main female leads of their respective series. ^_^ Have fun everybody!! As always, voting is anonymous and you don't need a blogger account to vote so anybody that wants to can participate. I'd love to see what your opinions are.
Ok...I have a lot of good stuff to show everyone this month so I'll probably be posting very frequently. For the next bonus, I'll be posting another hot scene from Match25 which guarantees it's going to be awesome. Have a good night everyone.
*Windwaker and the Zelda cartoon not withstanding.


  1. i miss Sprite, that lovable barefoot fairy of Link

    Well! Excuuuuuse me, Princess! such a great show that was

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey,Where are the Captain N Zelda pics!? she's hot in that show! Great job anyway,KSC.

    BTW Match,I'm inviting you to join my Foot Fetish Board,The Anime Foot Fetish Zone.

  4. Yeah that barefoot fairy is cute Match. I think she gives a Sole shot toward the end of the episode.

    I never watched Captain N SFD, so I didn't know Zelda was in it but googling her she's definitely hot. If you can find a barefoot clip of her, I'll cap it.

  5. Oh and here's the link to SFD's message board.

  6. Unfortunately,she was never barefoot in that show. But you can post her pics anyway...I mean you do post non-barefoot pics of ladies too.

    I just don't wanna see Captain N Zelda be excluded. I love Captain N's Zelda.

    Captain N's Link is cool too,and he never once says "Excuuuuuse me princess" in the Captain N that he's in,nor does he ask Zelda to kiss him.

  7. but those are the funny lines in that series, how could they remove those?

  8. The creators of Captain N(like alot of people)didn't like Link's Zelda Toon personality,so they changed it for the Captain N show.

    And it's quite Unfortunate that Sprite,that cute fairy isn't in Captain N. I liked her too.

  9. I couldn't agree more. It was funny the first two times Link said that line, but as it went on, it just got out of hand. It scared me away from that show. And I miss Sprite too. Preach on, Brother Stefan. :)

  10. maybe a bonus post of Spryte should appear, after all she is always barefoot. what a blind fool Link was to ignore her

  11. That's true. A female character that is always barefoot definitely deserves a tribute of her own. I think there was a pretty good sole shot toward the end of the waterslide episode. I'll try to cap some scenes of her.

    While I'm at it I'll also try to post a couple of pics of the Captain N Zelda and Princess Lana (continuing the six degrees of separation) as well.

  12. why do i get the idea we just started a Girls of Zelda bonus?

  13. You're doing Lana too. Cool! fortunately,unlike Zelda,Lana actually does go barefoot on the Captain N show.

  14. O_O That's a great thought. With beauties like Malon, Saria, Anju, Din, Nayru, Farore, Midna, and Maple in the Zelda universe. That would be quite a nice series of tributes Match.

    Wow...she actually goes barefoot SFD? I'll really need to track those scenes down.

  15. its too bad those Great Fairies had to wear boots, odd as they were clothed by vines

  16. Yeah I'd love to see them barefoot too.

  17. Princess Zelda also appears barefoot in some cutscenes of Link: The Faces of Evil.

  18. O_O Really? I'll try to find them.
    Thanks for telling me about them Juancho. :-)

  19. However, there's just one thing that bothers me about your poll, Triton.

  20. It says, and I quote, "Which Leading Lady's Feet Would You Like To Spend Christmas Snuggling Up Against Most?

    What's the problem with this? Simple, really. Below the poll results, it says how many days are left. Today, it says there are 21 days left. From today, which is December the 10th, there are 15 days left. See where this is heading?

  21. May I take that as a "no"?

  22. *Laughs* That's true I didn't think about that when I wrote it. I guess there are a couple days past where the question would be valid.

  23. So what are you gonna do, Triton?

  24. It's a tough call...once someone votes in the poll it becomes locked so I can't change the poll itself. I suppose I could end the poll early but it would feel like something is missing for six days.

    Maybe I'll just let voters picture their Christmas fantasies a couple of extra days.

  25. I don't think anything would be missing, KSC. But if it helps, you could put some stuff you find up until you're ready to do the next poll.

  26. Can you imagine playing footsie with her? God, it would be great!
