Friday, May 22, 2009

Totally Spies: Others

One of the great things about the Totally Spies series is that it's not only the main characters that go barefoot. Occasion they give us some nice scenes involving some attractive female side characters as well. ^_^ This bonus covers the women who while not getting top billing still have some breathtaking scenes involving their feet. Enjoy guys!!!

(Once again I have to give a huge Thank you to Match25 (the Legendary Master of Sole Shots himself) and Mr E. for collecting and capping all these Totally Spies episodes.)

Just as a little extra bonus here is the Totally Spies episode Mommie Deareast where some of these scenes were taken from: (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)

Here's another cute scene as well showing Clover's obsession with footwear: (6:16 sec in) *Shakes head*

I have to say that Clover and Alex's moms are hot. It looks like hot feet run in their families.* ^_^

Ok everyone unfortunately I have to cut things short and end my entry here. (Sam's feet aren't going to rub themselves. ^_^) However, I'll definitely be back with one last Totally Spies bonus for you guys. I'll also try to post some new writing Spotlights in the next entry as well. ^_^

Enjoy your weekend everyone!!

*Sadly Sam's mom doesn't go barefoot in that episode. T_T


  1. ah gopod to know clover and the others aren't the only barefooters.

  2. mmm so many lovely soft soles

  3. from what ep. were the last three?

  4. Alex's mom got a reeally cool sole shot

    and i can see clover and her mom getting together to make a guy give both of them foot rubs for a little mother daugher bonding ;)

  5. Thanks guys.

    Sorry I don't know Omar. I was curious about 15 and 16 (the ones with the three other women tackling the spies) myself. There are still a lot of episodes of this series that I need to see. ^_^ You can thank Match for capping this great set.

    Yeah I loved the sole shot of Alex's mom too Mr. E. It was really awesome. As for Clover and her mom...that's one combination of girls I'd be very happy to give a foot massage to.
