Thursday, October 29, 2009

Villainess Takeover: Christella Revi

Ok continuing with the OAV bad girls, here is a hot villainess scientist from the series Birdy the Mighty. As an added plus she's wearing a swimsuit for this bonus. ;-)

(These were capped from the Birdy the Mighty OAV episodes 2 & 3. A huge thanks to Iceninja9276 for the tip off to this series.)

I only got the chance to start watching this anime series so I don't know too much about this mysterious bad girl yet but so far everything I've found out about her just makes her seem hotter and hotter. Not only is Christella a scientist and villainess, she's also an alien too making her a dangerous 3 hit fantasy combo. The scenes I've seen her in portray her as sexy, cool, intelligent, spoiled and dominant everytime having her being chauffeured around, relaxing and getting pampered as she organizes her evil schemes. (My type of girl ^_^).

Just one thing to note...while I was capping these scenes, I noticed some other good foot moments in this anime as well and there's still more of this OAV that I have to watch so I'll probably post more from this series in the future.

Ok, I'm working on the final villainess bonuses now (hoping to get in two more sets of evil feet before the end). Expect a megapost conclusion this Halloween!! ^_^


  1. she reminds me of Lulu from Final Fantasy X

  2. O_O I didn't think of that when I first saw her but you're right. She does look a lot like Lulu. No wonder I like this girl so much.:-)

  3. YES!!! Thank you so much KSC!!! You've made my day! (Or should I say, my Halloween!!!)

  4. got to love those swimsuit scenes

  5. A scentist and an Alien......what a perfect match, I would love to be her foot/scissor slave :D

  6. This anime show Umi Monogatari stars to girls that live underwater and are both barefoot girls in the first episode, and possibly through the whole show.

  7. She's hot. Good find, KSC.

  8. Running slow with my comment responses. ^_^;

    Happy Halloween Iceninja. :-)

    Yeah...every villainess should put on a swimsuit at least once in her anime Match.

    I'd love for that to happen to me too BTW episode P. Thank you very much for it. ^_^

    Thanks DW.
