Friday, November 20, 2009

Akane Tendo

As promised earlier here is a tribute to a barefoot martial arts girl...Akane Tendo from Ranma. Fair warning...Akane doesn't hold back when showcasing her guys might want to take a couple of steps back from the screen to view this. ^_^;

(A Huge Thank you to Starky for capping these really awesome scenes from Ranma episode 51)

*Reaches out to help you up* Don't say that I didn't warn you?...Although if you're anything like me...the idea of being kicked by Akane probably thrills you beyond belief. She looks like a really energetic and fun character. ^_^

As far as animes go, Ranma 1/2 is one of those really popular ones that I haven't had a chance to watch yet but definitely intend to watch in the future. (It's at the top of my list along with Full Metal Alchemist, Kaze no Stigma and Code Geass. ^_^). Everything that I've heard about the series so far has been really positive. It has some really great characters, a nice blend of Romance, Action and Comedy and an interesting storyline. Added onto that it's written by legendary manga author Rumiko Takaheshi who also wrote Inuyasha. If that wasn't has an awesome amount of barefoot scenes. (So much so that the bonus above is only the tip of the iceberg) Expect more of the characters from this show in the future. ;-)

Ok...keeping up with the schedule for this month...I did a Superheroine, Pirate, and Martial Arts girl. I guess that leaves the Spellcasters and DA bonuses. Both of those should be coming up over the next week. I'm also working on a new set of spotlights for the next entry.

Until Next Time Guys!!


  1. Nice work posting this hot marital arts tomboy KSC, I wouldn't mind sparing with her and then losing via headscissor :D

  2. Nice one, KSC! It's a bit surprising that it's only now that you posted about Akane, who is indeed one of the prime barefoot martial arts tomboys in anime. Ranma 1/2 is indeed chock-full of barefoot moments with Akane; in fact, almost too many to count I think. But I love her best in the OAVs, she's a lot better drawn there, particularly in the Akane and Her Sisters OAV (The One to Carry On), along with one of her best sole shots ever. Later, dude!

  3. All right! It took you a long time, but you've finally got Akane on here. I commend thee.

    Yeah as Sole Keeper says, if you're looking for a lot of barefoot scenes in Ramna 1/2, this is the one. :) Of course, there's more to the story than just that. Speaking of which, I don't really like how it ended, but I won't say anymore about it.

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  5. Uh... thank you vadahodges1211. ^^;

  6. whoa!! akane kicks hard!!!

    lucky ninja boy!!!

    cool post again ksc!!!

  7. also rumiko really liked drawing

    feet in ranma 1/2!

  8. one just cant resist a tomboy and her soft soles

  9. Well, I don't know about soft but Akane's feet are well made. :)

  10. Yeah DW her feet are well made....for worshiping that is XD

  11. Oh come on, you know that was a good pun XD

  12. Yeah, I guess so. Better than the usual ones I hear. =P

  13. Thanks for the comments guys. I definitely need to check more of the series.

    I'd love to spar with Akane and be on the recieving end of her kicks as well. :-)

  14. I don't know about that, KSC. I mean, you saw what happened to those rocks; she split them apart with relative ease. You sure you imagine that?

  15. That's true DW. ^_^ It looks like her feet are really powerful.

  16. Say, foot fights are always an interesting sight.
    By the way, keep up with Code Geass as soon as you can ;-)

  17. O_O I'll true to look into it...thanks Batmad.
