Friday, August 13, 2010

More Dawn :-D

Thanks to Meca-Yugi and Juancho here are some more Dawn foot scenes hot off the press. :-D

(These are from the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Anime episodes 137 and 174 as well some jaw dropping scenes from 6th Diamond and Pearl Ending credits. Massive thank yous to both Meca-Yugi and Juancho for finding these scenes. Also a special thanks to Pikachu for throwing the ball out of range and forcing Dawn to come and retrieve it while wearing a bikini. ^_^)

Beach scenes and sleeping clothes...two awesome ways to see a female character barefoot. :-D

Ok guys...really busy weekend so I'm going to cut the entry short here. The next entry will probably be a tribute to another blonde guest that I've been really looking forward to posting. :-D

Have a really great weekend everyone!!


  1. As always, great post. I have a few screenshots I'd like you to see. is there anyway for me to send them to you?

  2. so, how the posts for the suggestions I gave you coming along?

  3. Thanks Tomfrends. O_O Would love to see those screenshots. You can e-mail me them at

    Still working on them Blackviper. A lot of them will be part of some major bonus sets. ^_^ Just to give you a status update... here is where I am currently at with each of them. :-)

    Shion: Started capping this one but it still might take me awhile to get up. Massive amount of scenes I still need to cap for her.

    Kaoru: This is likely going to be the first set I get the chance to post. :-D

    Full Metal Alchemist: Going to try and do this one soon.

    Ah my Goddess: Have this set capped...just finding the right time to post her for maximum wow factor.

    Read of Die: Still tracking this series down. ^_^

    Pokemon Ranger: Working on a huge mega-post for May that temple of the sea will definitely be a part of. This one will still probably take me some time but I'm really looking forward to posting her.

    Are there any scenes that I forgot about? Anyway, Thanks again for all your help Blackviper...I know that I tend to post very slowly but I really do appreciate your help very much. ^_^

  4. although when i said read or die, I might have had read or die the tv in mind, you might want to check those out

  5. Ok...I'll try to find it. Thanks again Blackviper. ^_^

  6. I dunno... she looks too young for me. :P

  7. Ladies and Gentlemen I FINALLY did It. I'm now a full fledged Youtuber. I've posted a bunch of vids. Vids that'll launch me into stardom.

    You guys must check'em out.

  8. Yeah Bunny...she is on the younger end of the spectrum.

    Congratulations Stefan. ^_^

  9. she's not that young, 15 isn't all that young

  10. O_O Thought she was ^_^

  11. stephan, what is a video you have?

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