Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More Kingdom Hearts (Bonus)

Hi everyone...just want to apologize for the slow amount of updates recently. My class load this semester is pretty heavy. One of the things that I really love about working on this site is that you guys really help find me pinpoint some incredible rare barefoot scenes involving popular characters. After noticing that I was hard pressed for Kairi scenes in the last bonus , a lot of you really helped pointing out some great material for her and the other girls. Thanks very much guys...this bonus couldn't have been possible without you. ^_^

These rare moment of Kairi being barefoot is from the Kingdom Hearts Manga. Massive Thank you to Adam for finding it. ^_^

This last image posted on DA was done by the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 himself. ^.^ (Thanks so much Match) In addition to his work there are a lot of other DA images Kingdom Hearts images that you guys recommended too that I'll link to.

An Incredible artwork involving Kairi from one the ultimate foot fetish artists Vegetossj4

Gorgeous Olette Image by Psychoshin

In addition to creating some great foot fetish interactives for the Kindom Hearts Characters Howdyboy's Deviant art gallery is also filled with gorgeous foot related image involving the Kingdom Hearts women including...




A lovely foot worship shot by the Master Artist MostlyFunStuff

Veroom also recommended some great artwork involving Aqua (Massive thanks man):

A beautiful stocking shot with her feet right in your face by the artist SergeVirusX
and a hot bondage image by the artist No-Pornography

Thank very much to all of these artists for creating and sharing these pictures.

Ok guys...once again I have to delay the blonde finale and Writing.Com anniversary spotlights but I'll try to post them soon. For tommorow...I have a really special update planned. ^_^

Until Next Time Guys


  1. 0_0 Awesome find I gotta admit, I thought I would never find official artwork depicting Kairi barefoot...glad to see that I was wrong :D. Her feet look extremely both her forms :D

  2. Thanks Btw...was really happy to see it as well. Barefoot Kingdom Hearts girls rule. :-D

  3. Yup smelling Kairi's feet would be really awesome. :-D

  4. Thanks for those links and Pictures

    I love the Kingdom hearts game, and the Female characters of those games are always so Cute
    Namine, Aqua, Xion, Kairi
    all my favorites

    and I'd love nothing more then to see them BareFoot
