Sunday, July 3, 2011

Where did Everage's Images Go?

Well to answer that question foot fans, it would appear that due to unfortunate circumstances the Everage pictures had to come down. I fully apologize on behalf of Everage.


  1. you know, a biiiiig chunk of the cosplay bonus

  2. Argh, that's really unfortunate! I wonder what happened...

  3. :-( Oh I'm really sorry about that. They were really awesome pictures and models.

    Well anyway thanks to Everage for letting them be posted here in the first place.

    Also a massive thanks to you as well Match. I know you worked very hard on these sets organizing and posting them. :-D They definitely rocked while they were up. :-)

  4. Lol check out the new Steam Sale picture they have.

  5. O_O Massively hot Feetintheclouds. Chun Li and Lara barefoot in the same picture is really extremely awesome. Thanks for the link. ^_^

  6. I noticed that lots of people dind't had the opportunity to see the barefoot Chun&Lara banner but luckily I saved a snap of that! You can take a look here:

  7. O_O It's great that you saved it Bountydog. The image was really hot. :-D Great way to advertise a summer sale. ^_^

  8. how many people will fake drown to get these lovely ladies to help?

  9. Hahaha! That's an awesome artwork with Chun-li and Lara... shame that the artist made mistakes with their feet- if you look closely, Chun has two right feet, Lara has two left feet... still nicely-drawn though. ^__^

  10. Hey KSC or Match25, gotta Blog question- sorry I don't know how to contact you in any other way, so I have to ask it here.
    I'm changing my Comment Setting- at present it's 'Anyone' which allows Anonymous users to post. However, some asshole is continually posting shit which is annoying. I'm thinking of setting it to either 'Registered Users' or 'Users with Google Accounts'. Which one do you recommend? Thanks.

  11. I've set the comments to 'Registered Users' for now.

  12. Hi Sole Keeper. I'm running an older version of Blogger so its not exactly the same but I think I have the equivalent of the registered user only setting for this blog too.

    I'm going to try posting a comment on your blog just to make sure that I and other users that use similiar types of accounts can comment on it. If it doesn't work, I will post a comment here to let you know.
