Monday, March 5, 2012

Elena (Bonus)

Hi guys just to keep you informed about the Chun Li bonus. The reason why it is taking me so long is that I keep getting new tips for her. The latest is a movie which I placed a hold for at my local library but they've been pretty slow in sending it out. In the meantime I'll continue with other women. Anyway, tonight's bonus is a quick tribute to another Street Fighter girl Elena (who also happens to be on my Hit list). ^_^ Enjoy guys!!

(Various webfinds of this sexy Capoeira fighter.)

I like Elena a lot. In contrast many of the female fighting characters who seem intent on proving their toughness, this Kenyan princess is really gentle and kind. She has to be one of the nicest and friendliest female fighters I've seen. While she definitely has the skills to defend herself. This girl's real goal is to travel the world meet new people and gaining new experiences. She's doesn't really want to hurt anyone and is cheerful and playful towards anyone she encounters. ^_^ She's very intelligent as well.

For the foot fetish fans, Elena has a lot that would draw us to her. First of all her usual outfit depicts her as barefoot giving us a lot of great views of her feet. (She also probably wears the least amount of clothing out of any of the Street Fighter girls. ^_^) In addition to that she is the tallest of female street fighters as well which just draws attention to her sexy legs; a part of her body that she uses a lot due to her kick based fighting style. ^_^ Yup not only does this girl's style make good use of her rather large feet but all of her attacks involve them. ^_^

Just imagine her kicking you around with her beautiful bare soles or teasingly rubbing them in your face after beating you in a!!

Ok that's basically all for tonight, check another girl off the Hit list and more to come soon!!


  1. She is a one fine girl from Africa, can't help but be friendly with her even during a fight.

    1. Yeah she is really nice. ^_^ I just want to give her a hug when I see her smile. :-)

  2. I would love to fight her...she's one of my favorite SF gals. Wish she was in more games :(

    In any case, I would love to be playfully teased by her after getting kicked with her sexy capoeria kicks :D

    1. :-D Me too Tristan. ^_^ Yeah they really should have her appear more. From the looks of it...she may appear in the crossovers. ^_^

      ^_^ It really would be the perfect way to spend an afternoon. :-D

    2. Oh, I know that now...and it's about time. Though it's still in DLC...which apparently was already in the games code.

      Capcom REALLY knows when to milk a product

      Agreed :D

    3. :-D Have to admit charging extra for a hottie like Elena is diabolical genius. Like Soulcalibur V charging extra for swimsuit costumes. That said milking customers is a bad idea because they only have so much money and a lot of us are willing to wait for the price of a game to go down in order to get it. Also with a wide selection of fighters out there we would definitely choose the game that offers the most bang for our buck. ^_^

      I like the idea of two Capoeira hotties in the game though. I'd love for them to have a contest over who could scissor or tease me with their feet better. :-D

  3. In one of the Street Fighter comics, she actually goes to Japan as an exchange student. There's a scene where one of the Japanese girls calls her a nigger, and she just smiles and says "you should be mean". It's really nice, actually.

    Speaking of Kenya, I've been there several times. Most Kenyan girls have feet like that. Big with long toes.

    1. Wow...Elena is really a sweetheart. I was reading the Ibuki miniseries which Elena made an appearance in. There was a great scene where she was interacting with Makoto. Makoto is very rash and tends to be very serious so when she challenged Elena and the Kenyan girl picked her up and hugged her, she really didn't know how to was very cute.

      O_O Wow...Kenya sounds like a nice place to visit. ^_^

    2. Yes, Kenya is a lovely country. You might also like South Africa. Cape Town in the summertime is awesome. The beaches are always full up with beautiful girls of every size and color. Also, there are always barefoot tribal girls wearing skimpy outfits working as street performers. So there's no shortage of black girl feet.

    3. O_O I was googling the Cape Town beaches it really a nice place. ^_^ Wow...just imagining all the women there. It must be really awesome. ^_^

  4. Epic post dude! She is one of my favorite video game girls ever! She's smart, pretty, tough, and probably one of the nicest girls on the planet! Great job dude! I really like this post!

  5. Cool news. Elena is going to be one of ten DLC characters for the Vista version of Street Fighter X Tekken, and later for the console ones in June.

    1. :-D Wow...that is awesome news Shadowmandude. ^_^ I think I'm definitely going to try to get that game when it comes out. ^_^

  6. And here's a leaked video from youtube that shows Elena teaming up with Christie, and like Elena, Christie is a fine girl from Jamacia that is a Capoeira fighter and fights barefoot.

    1. O_O Wow...really hot!! Elena looks great in the game. ^_^

      :-D Here and Christie make the ultimate Capoeira tag team. :-)

  7. a tall barefoot dark skin beauty, whats not to love?

  8. Found some more awesome stuff for you're Chun-Li bonus.

    Now Make me a contributor :D

  9. heres another

    1. Wow...awesome Chun Li images Stefan. ^_^ Thank you for them. :-) The Chun Li post is going to really rock!! You're already in as a contributor. :-) The only reason I haven't sent the invitations yet is I wanted to do an introduction post for you guys. ^_^

    2. Oh sweet. :D BTW,I'll be searching for more Chun-Li images soon.

  10. Also feel free to use my sprite art as well.


    2. O_O Awesome image. I think this post is definitely going to be cold shower inducing. Thanks for this one too. ^_^

    3. Hopeflly I'll find more today,we'll make this Bonus one for the record books. This blog also need a large Mai Shiranui Bonus.

    4. :-D That sounds great. Yeah it would be awesome to have a Mai Shiranui megapost as well. ^_^


      3 more

    6. Wow...these are massively hot finds...thanks very for them Stefan. ^_^ The Chun Li bonus is really going to rock. ^_^

    7. Thanks and Thanks for adding me as a conrtibutor. I think I'm gonna stop giving you Chun-Li pics for now. Gotta save stuff for the next big Chun-Li bonus right? ^_^

      Anyway,I look foward to posting.

    8. No problem. ^_^ Thanks again for finding such an amazing collection for her. I'll try to post her by the end of this week. It should be a really spectacular post. ^_^
