Friday, April 26, 2013

Morigana Steps In

Just a quick update by me before school takes over. I got a week of exams then I'm free. Hopefully I can get some more stuff in the meantime.


  1. Awesome! 8D It's about time we got some more Morgiana in here. And there's still a ton more of her. ^__^

    1. Hehe, oh yeah. Trust me dude, I'll be posting a lot more of her good time. I just need school to end lol. Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you liked this.

  2. HarHarHar!!!!
    You've made my evening!
    The detail is incredible!

    1. Lolz, yeah I'm pretty bad when it comes to puns in the titles of my posts. I'm glad you liked this dude. Once summer comes, I'll be sure to catch up on here and post more of our rose haired beauty when I can.
      I know dude, the detail they put into her feet is incredible!! For anime standards that's pretty impressive considering how so many animators, when the script does call for there to be a scene that closes up on a character's feet, tend to just draw the bare minimum often leaving stuff out like toenails or at least showing no or little detail into indicating them or not even bothering to show details as to where the ankle crops out etc.
      Again, where the hell are the people with money to spend on DA? We need to start commissioning people to create tickle pics etc. of this girl! Its crap how no one has embraced this girl yet in their art!!

      Thanks for commenting man. I'm glad to know you enjoy and support me posts. Wait for this summer, I'll definitely get some more stuff for on here.

  3. Sweet!!! As a recommendation, when you post a character, you should try to get a facial shot in there so that viewers know what she looks like. Usually I would post a facial at the beginning and the end of a post. Sort of making it like making it like a sandwich with the meat in the middle. Anyway this looks like a great scene with really nice animation. Thanks for posting it. :-)

    1. Hehe you are very welcome dude. This is actually my second post of Morigana but I suppose I should have posted a facial just as a reminder of what she looks like lol. THanks for the comment dude. I'm glad you like this!!
