Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Real Life Anime Feet: Touwa Erio by Asae Ayato

Time in between studying now. Super kawaii Japanese cosplayer I found whose a professional model I'm sure. Here we got our girl   Asae Ayato cosplaying what's-her-name from Touwa Erio. Enjoy guys.

I hope you guys like these. I'll post more if you guys really like them.


  1. I've heard of the character but I've never seen the show. But MAN, this girl is a beauty! o_o She has very cute feet, along with a cute everything else.

    1. Hehe, glad you like it dude. I've seen pieces of the show and its honestly not my cup of tea since its one of those slice-of-life series which really doesn't have a story or very impressive characters. The only redeeming quality of it is cute girls and the main girl being barefoot all the time.
      Thanks for your support man. If you ever have a request for something, let me know and I'll see what I can do for you.

    2. I request more Morgiana? XD I dunno, I can't think of anything new off the top of my head. Just keep finding and posting the good stuff. :)

    3. I'll be sure to do that for ya buddy. Once I'm out of school and can watch anime again, I'll be sure to find you some good caps of her!!

  2. O_O This is awesome Heretichero. I absolutely love these segments and this cosplayer is really hot. I hope you post more of her.

    1. I'm really glad to hear that dude!! If you approve then cosplay posts are good to go for this blog! I'll be sure to post more Japanese cosplay when I can and when I find it. I'm still in finals week so it may be some time before I can go head first into posting massive amounts of stuff on here again.
      Thanks for the comment dude. I appreciate your support and time to look at what I posted. This tells me a lot about what I should try to post in the future.

    2. Awesome post :D this why i like barefoot characters because it leads to barefoot cosplay

    3. lol IKR? Thanks for the comment dude!! I'm glad you like these! I'll be sure to post more when I can!!
