Monday, May 27, 2013

Tomboy Attack: Natsumi Hinata

Okay, I just found this in my collection and for the time being, I'm gonna say that this post here will be my last tomboy post for the time being.

Here we have Ms. Natsumi Hinata from Sgt. Frog. When an alien race similar to the frog species on Earth arrives to conquer the planet, Natsumi quickly finds her hands full trying to keep the buffoon Sgt. Kurro under control as he fails to conquer earth while baby sitting her younger brother. Tough and athletic, Natsumi doesn't disappoint.

Here we have her breaking the Sgt.'s only true love on Earth, Gundum models. Try not to rage Gundum fans, you may find this post insulting.



  1. What episode is the first picture from?

  2. Not the Gundam models! Oh the horror! D:

    You'd think she'd hurt herself stomping on Gundams with all their points and edges. XD

    1. If it were Evangelion or Eureka Seven models I'd share your pain. I've actually never seen a Gundam series.

      I doubt it. Natsumi is tough stuff lol. Thanks for commenting man. I hope you weren't too hurt by watching the Gundams get smashed

    2. Nah, s'all good. I'm more an Evangelion guy, myself. XD

  3. Wow that is an awesome scene...really love gts type of moments. ^_^ It looks like a fun anime.

    1. It is man! Read or watch it if you can. You won't be disappointed! Thanks for commenting. I'm glad you liked this

  4. This does look like fun. Trample is usually played for laughs in most anime. Still, got to admire a girl who can break toys with her bare foot! All that sharp plastic got to hurt!

    1. I know man. I can't even imagine especially with Gundam models lol
