Monday, June 24, 2013

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: Teela (Bonus)

Ok here is a tribute to another He-Man girl...the beautiful Captain of the Guards Teela. I first became attracted to Teela after watching her in the 2002 series. Sadly the series was cancelled before we got to see any barefoot scenes involving Teela but her comic book counterpart does show off her feet quite a bit in her series as well as a lot more of her body. Think Slave Leia. ^_^
I love Teela's interactions with Adam aka He-Man in this series. The two of them obviously care about one another but can't resist teasing each other. It's a lot of fun to see. :-)
This version of Teela isn't exactly known for being patient. She is definitely a  feisty one. ^_^
A little bit of a guest star. The evil sorceress taking these two prisoner is the He-Man villainess Evil-lyn. This version of her is depicted as psychotic and bloodthirsty but you help liking a dominant badgirl. ^_^
The artist did a really great job depicting Teela's reaction. You can see that she really cares about Adam a lot though she is quick to cover it up in the next moment.  ^_^;
:-D I guess having a hot warrior girlfriend is a chivalry loophole. 
In between the current He-Man comic series and the Mini-series that proceeded it  Teela changes her hair color red. She's very sensitive about it though. Adam seems to like teasing her about much to Teela's annoyance. As an added bonus I posted all of Adam's redhead quips and Teela's reactions to them for you enjoy here:
One of the battles resulted in Teela twisting her ankle resulting in a healing mage having to look after her foot. I wish I got to do that job. ^_^
Continued from here ^_^;
Who that masked warrior is will be the subject of a future bonus. :-D
(These shots of Teela are a combination of webfinds and some of Teela's best moments in the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 6 issue mini-series and current ongoing series. Both of which are definite must reads)

Ok guys that's basically it for now.  I'm hoping that I can do two sets of follow up bonuses for the character. One involving her 1980's counterpart and some others involving other He-Man women. Her comic series is still ongoing as well so hopefully her present incarnation will have more foot scenes in it too. On that note more to come soon. ^_^

Have a great day everyone!


  1. Awesome that she went barefoot. shame she never did in the 2k2 series

    1. Yeah. I wish that the 2002 series had a season 3. Didn't even get a chance to see She-Ra in it. :-(

  2. I need to start reading the comics again. I recently started watching the 2002 series mostly cause I'm on a hunt for panty shots for my other blog fyeahpantyshotcartoons on tumblr. She has quite a few in the first episode alone.

    1. :-D That's great. I hope you like watching the 2k2 series Digiharrisom. I marathon watched it a couple of years ago and really liked it a lot. ^_^

      O_O I didn't know you had another blog. I'll definitely check that one out too. ^_^

    2. It's on tumblr. Do you have a tumblr?

    3. No but I suppose I can set one up. Do you recommend it?

    4. Well you don't need a tumblr to view the blog (you can just type the name in Google to find it) but tumblr is a pretty cool place. I like it more than Facebook or Twitter. Really it's up to you to decide whether you want to join or not.

    5. Ok I'll google it. Thanks for the info on Tumblr. Maybe I'll set up an account in the future. ^_^

    6. My regular blog is Confessions of a Kaiser if you ever get a tumblr and want to follow me.

  3. Ahh i must say this might be one of the greatest posts on here lol just because i grew up on He-Man and its always nice to see these character get "Updates"

    1. Thanks very much Jinto. I watched the original version of He-Man when I was a kid too and enjoyed seeing and really enjoyed seeing the updates to the series as well. ^_^

  4. Nice post! I wish Mike Young would get back on the 2002 series and finish it!

  5. The comic looks really nice. She looks pretty tough and...she hate mages? Basically they are telling us she'll become one in the future. From the first look the new comic is pure fun, nothing groundbreaking but so much fun if you like the franchise. Too bad she wasn't depicted barefoot in the 2002 version, I loved the show and the artstyle. Oh, seems that I missed an update about the Sorceress! Anyway, thank you so much for the post! Amazing as always!

    1. Thanks Green Varnish. :-D Yeah I guess it does foreshadow her becoming a mage in the comics. I really loved the artstyle of the 2002 series too. ^_^ The new issue of the comic series came out today. It was a little bit of a slower pace then the previous two issues but still a fun read. The next issue looks to be an exciting one. ^_^

  6. Oh man, this has to be one of the best mega posts you've done so far. Excellent work dude. I love the combo of animation with comic pages. Keep it up. Hopefully He-Man will make some sort of a comeback in the mainstream media.

    1. Thanks very much Heretichero. ^_^ Yeah I hope He-Man has that type of comeback too. ^_^

  7. I have to admit, He man comics are so hardcore. Wish Mattel didn't shutdown the 2002 series!!
