Friday, June 14, 2013

Lois Lane Super Tribute Finale: Superman The Animated Series

Ok closing out the tributes with style...the final Lois bonus is to her incarnation from Superman the Animated Series Cartoon. Appearing in two series and one animated movie this version of Lois has more foot scenes then any of her other animated counterparts. Enjoy guys!!
(These are all caps from the Superman animated movie Brainiac Returns, and the episodes Target and Fun and Games. I've been working on this bonus for a long time and had a lot of help with it tremendous thank yous to Juancho for helping me organize and plan out all these tributes and to Stefan, PeroAlonso1 and DaytonaRacer500 for providing tips for caps)

Ok...the goal of this bonus was to try and put all of Lois' Animate Series foot scenes into this tribute but there was one set of scenes I wasn't able to include. According to Juancho there is an episode involving Lois visiting a Spa where her feet were being shown but neither of us have been able to find it. If you guys know information about this or any other foot scene involving her just let me know and I'll try to post a follow up.

The Lois in the animated series is played by the actress Dana Delaney. She does a good portrayal of Lois. This version of the character has her trademark sharp tongue and determination to get a good story. She's also really competitive with Clark making for some very comedic scenes. I just wish she had more scenes in this series. There were only a few episodes that focused on her and the character was at her best when she was interacting with Clark. Superman didn't have a lot of scenes as his alter ego in this series so a lot of Lois' scenes were limited to being rescued by Superman. Lois does get closer to Superman toward the end of the series but their relationship was sort of glossed over. In the follow up series Justice League, Superman is shown to be dating her but her appearances become even rarer. I still think that this version of her was a great character but she was just underused. :-D

All right everyone, this basically completes the Lois bonus posts. It was a lot bigger than I originally intended. It's hard not to get carried away with such a sexy character.  ^_^; I hope that you guys enjoyed these tributes. They were a lot of fun to work on. ^_^ 

Ok until next time...Up Up and Away!


  1. This is definitely my favorite Lois. And a lot other people's too, judging by the polls. XD

  2. My Favorite Lois as well. Glad that they Finaly showed her pretty feet :D

  3. Thanks very much guys. This version of Lois is really hot. She probably has the best foot scenes out of any of the animated versions of her too. ^_^

    1. I agree, I remember watching this when I was a kid.

  4. This was probably my favorite Lois =D as well loved her her design is awesome nice post

  5. Thanks for raising awareness, KSC :)
    I hope someone finds that massage scene. For reference, she's getting a massage and talking on the phone with someone, not sure if Clark, Jimmy or Perry.

    1. Really crossing my fingers someone knows about it. ^_^

  6. you forgot the episode "Monkey Fun" when she was getting massaged.

    1. O_O Thanks very much Justin. Been trying to figure out which episode that happened in for a really long time.

  7. KingsSideCastle, I love where she kicked off her heels and switched to her sneakers. Whoever got those well-worn pumps of hers, consider that person because all of her foot sweat is in the insoles and odor.

    1. Yeah that was a really a really great scene. ^_^ That definitely would be a lucky person. :-)

    2. Would you take her pumps home with you and sniff them? I bet they had a cheesy aroma.

    3. Maybe in a display case like a treasured possession. :-D

    4. What would you do with them?

    5. I can see myself sniffing and admiring them quite a bit... what about you?

    6. I would do the same and tried to hide them somewhere safe to seal away the smell. I imagine how many times she wore those same purple heels without washing the insoles, completely barefoot, they got to stink, right?

    7. If they do get her foot stink, then we're good to go. What do foot odor reminds you of?

    8. It depends. ^_^ If they have a cheddar smell I would say that it reminds me of Pizza. :-)

    9. I see, what if it has an vinegary smell?

    10. Do you know a dish that uses a lot of vinegar?

    11. Trying to think of a food dish to compare it to. Maybe Escovitch... it is a Jamaican fish dish that uses a lot of vinegar to prepare.

    12. I see. Do you think her heels has that odor, which is a very strong aroma? Would you want your room to smell just like her heels?

    13. It's possible. I like the cheesy smell more. :-)

    14. Would you enjoy the cheesy footy smell like me? I do like when her feet, socks or shoes smell like washed rind cheeses.

    15. hehehe, I think we love smelly feet on girls.

    16. Well, what do you think of smelly feet?

    17. Do you want every girl to have different foot odor to smell?

    18. I think every girls feet has a slightly different scent to them. I wonder if it would be possible to tell which girl it is from the scent of their feet alone?

    19. It can be. Like you're wearing a blindfold. Smell test them.

    20. Well, did you had a dream where you smell her feet?

    21. I think I've fantasized about smelling them. ^_^

    22. What kind of daydream that was while smelling them? Like how did it happened?

    23. It was nice. I think it was probably which watching the scene of her changing her shoes. It made me think of what her feet might smell like. ^_^

    24. Can you guess what her feet might smell like? All of your options. She never worn socks with her heels and sneakers.

    25. Can you guess what her feet might smell like? All of your options. She never worn socks with her heels and sneakers.

    26. I like to think they might smell like cheddar. :-)

    27. Strange that you love stinky feet and it was the same for me.

    28. Foot odor on girls is a must for you, huh? What if your house smelled like their feet after they took their shoes off?

    29. It is not a must but I do enjoy it. I think it would be nice and make me want to smell their feet all the more. :-)

    30. How would you rate foot odor in terms of fetishes? It would be nice to smell their shoes and socks after they were taken off of their feet.

    31. What do you mean by it's connected?

    32. Liking the smell of feet is connected to a foot fetish.

    33. In other words, they are a part of a foot fetish. Shoe odor should be enjoyable.

    34. Am I doing a good job keeping a chat going?

    35. I'm surprised that you're not tired of me talking about her feet.

  8. Replies
    1. Me too? Cheesy smelling feet are the best fragrances. What other cheese you know that stinks?

    2. I guess foot odor makes you hungry because of the cheesy scent.

    3. Is foot odor one of the best ways to enjoy female feet and why?

    4. :-D Definitely a fun way to do it. ^_^ I think exploring all 5 senses with them would be fun.

    5. How would you explore all five senses on female feet?

    6. I would look at them, listen to the sounds they make, feel them, smell them and taste them. ^_^

    7. Female feet is key towards your happiness.

    8. Are female feet your life's worth of paradise?

    9. :-D I think I can see them like seeing them being enjoyable like that.

    10. Can you live without enjoying female feet in general?

    11. Yes but it won't be nearly as fun. :-D

    12. What's wrong with that? Why you want female feet to have fun?

    13. It is good. :-D Don't you think enjoying female feet is more fun?

    14. Yes, I do but I was wondering why you find them fun to talk about.

    15. Difficult to answer because I can't explain why I enjoy them. I'm curious to how you would answer that question though.

    16. I was just curious on why I enjoy female feet because it is complicated.

    17. Yeah sometimes it is difficult to describe why we like certain things.

    18. Yes, and I can't help but to wonder why foot odor is so attractive to me, in reality, I was supposed to be disgusted with a stinky smell.

    19. The mind can be strange. I think the scents have the ability to trigger some natural instincts like pheromones with bees and wasps.

    20. Speaking of insects, female mosquitoes love stinky feet because of the smell. They can use their sense of smell to identify the people they are attracted to and they can apparently smell them from up to 50 meters away. The aroma of smelly feet are kind of like Limburger cheese, and mosquitoes are strongly attracted to that stinky cheese due to them having the same scent like feet.

    21. You learned something new every day. Some animals love stinky stuff like feet and shoes due to how greatly attractive they are to them.

    22. I still enjoy stinky feet and socks regardless of that. I wish that I can smell the inside of her sweaty heels.

    23. I want to do all sorts of foot worship after she removed her heels.

    24. She is a great character to fantasize about.

    25. Yeah, did you had any dreams on her?

    26. Fantasies and Day Dreams yes. Actual dreams not yet. ^_^

    27. Tell me some of your fantasies or daydreams of her.

    28. I would love to massage and worship her feet. ^_^
