Monday, July 22, 2013

A Certain Magical Index: Mitoko

Alrighty, here is yet another series I really need to get into. I'm not watching so much as reading anime these days. But A Certain Magical Index takes place in a world where science and religion are at war with each other between mutant espers of sceince and magic users for religion. I'm still a little confused on the story too so please don't ask me too much about it.
The lead lady of this series is Ms. Mitoko the tomboyish tsundere who gives the main male character of the series shit all the time. Like any other tsundere, she treats him like shit because she likes him but don't think she's just a girl you can go ga-ga over. Mitoko goes by the nickname The Railgun because she's a high level esper who can conduct electricity and fire anything she gets her hands on at high speeds like a Rail Cannon which can shoot large metal balls at supersonic speeds. She may be tough, but she has a soft spot for frogs and loves to go barefoot when she can. Enjoy guys.


  1. She's pretty cute! :D And her power sounds awesome!

    1. She is very awesome! I've seen the first two episodes and it was great. I just need to see the rest to see if I can get you guys some actual screen caps of her. Thanks for the comment dude. I'm glad you like my posts.

  2. O_O Yet another series to add to my list. Tsundere + Magic is a really winning combination. I love the artistic style of the series too. Seems like it is really fun.

    Great Post Heretichero. ^_^

    1. Thanks for your support dude. I'm glad you like her. Once I get to the anime I'll be sure to check it out for feet shoots to post here for you. Thanks for the comment and support dude. I really appreciate it. Stay tuned for more soon. I'm really on a roll now.

  3. Im kinda sad and disappointed you guys have never seen the anime or read the manga :P While reading or watching manga/anime is something i dont got much time for but when i stunbled onto the Railgun series with the amazing Misaka plus the more episodes they have Saten the better :)

    For me the manga has been better just because anime can only show soo much in 24min eps so one of the best stories isnt included in the first or second season of the anime but thats not to say you should skip the anime because you will really enjoy some of the barefoot scenes in at least 2 episodes that i can remember where they are mostly barefoot but it been a while so not sure which ones :(

    1. Thanks for the input man. You make me wanna see the series more now.

      If that's really the case then I'm gonna start reading asap. 24 minutes an episode doesn't sound like it does the series justice.

    2. Yea the series is amazing i do suggest to grab the BD versions :) While the anime is great its mostly the case that the manga/novel versions are better as you got no time limit. While i have never watched Index so i dont know how it compares but they do share some of the same characters

  4. Her name is actually Mikoto, not Mitoko. Just trying to help.
