Friday, July 12, 2013

Boa Hancock (Figure Bonus)

I was at Midtown comics in Times Square the other week. They have a section of the the store that sells figurines. One of the figures was a model of One Piece's Boa Hancock. To my surprise (and delight) the model of Boa was barefoot. Of course I immediately googled the figure when I got home and it served as the inspiration for this bonus.

You guys can see more of the Boa's feet in this earlier tribute here:

There are actually quite a few models out there depicting Boa Barefoot. :-D I guess it makes sense that she would be pretty popular. Quite a few of them have her wearing a swimsuit too. While I was searching, I even came across a model where she was wearing well let's just say less than a swimsuit. Do with that information what you will. ;-) 

My favorite version was the purple version of her swimsuit costume. They seemed to put a lot of detail on the feet even going so far as to put nail polish on the toenails. ^_^

Ok guys, have a great weekend and as usual more to come soon!
-Kings S. Castle


  1. I never understood the appeal of these figurines. But hey, the detail on them is really nice. :)

    1. :-D Thanks Atomic Chinchilla. With figurines I think the reason people like them is the 3d element. With a picture the angle is set but with a figurine you can move it around turn it to the angle you want. I think there's also the collectability aspect too especially if the figure comes with a cool pose. In my own case I like collecting Gundam Models but those come with the added fun of assembling them.

  2. =D I have the purple swimsuit one it's on my bed stand table =D love it to death haha nice post wish Boa would show up more, where she would show her feet love Boa

    1. Thanks Destiny Dueler. Wow you have the swimsuit model. That's really awesome. Yeah Boa really needs more scenes in the anime. ^_^

    2. Yeah I got it for christmas =D, she does she's my favorite I'd glady be turned to stone if she'd use me as foot rest =D

    3. ^_^ Sounded like it was a good holiday. :-D Me too.

  3. Also forgot to ask how much that Boa shooting the Mero Mero beam was? Also yeah I couldn't decide between gold and purple at first, but when I saw the polish I went for purple some might say that's a stupid decision making process but hey I like Boa and I like girls feet put them together and I'm a sucker

    1. The Mero Mero beam model officially called Boa Hancock battle version runs for about a little less then $40 on Amazon. I think the Purple model was a great choice. I really love the polish too. ^_^

    2. Hmm I'll have to get a bit more money till I get that thanks for the info on that. Yes the purple one's my favorite too and it's a glossy shine on the polish

  4. Ah man dude this is awesome! I gotta buy these now lol. Nice post man! Keep it up!
