Sunday, July 14, 2013

Eureka Seven: Eureka

Eureka is a Coralian in human form, sent by the sentient Scub Coral to understand and communicate with humans. She treats Nirvash not like a mere machine, but as a living being, with consciousness and feelings. However, she can seem distant and awkward to other people - she has trouble communicating with other humans and understanding their feelings. She tends to appear randomly next to people, startling them at times.


  1. I just watched that episode last night on adultswim (US) where those last 6 screen caps came from. Aw man, I love Eureka *_*. Great post!

  2. Great show, great girl, and great feet. What's not to love? :D

  3. Mister_Bushido just said everything i was thinking Eureka is awesome :)

  4. Nice to see some of Eureka's feet

  5. yeah me to i watched it alot and the episodes are really good but don't leave tollhou out hers are really good as well

  6. But, can anyone upload Anemone's Barefoot???
