Monday, July 1, 2013

Poll 45 Results

Ok the 45th poll of the month, after 961 votes here are the results... 
Wow...It looked like Nico Robin crushed her competition. This girl developed a lead earlier on and it just kept growing from there. In second place was the beautiful Shizune and in third was the Pokemon Trainer Bianca. I wouldn't feel bad for the rest of these women. They all proved to have fans of their own and even the lowest voted character, Mercy had 16 fans willing to attend to her feet if she wants it.

Just want to thank everyone again for voting and sharing their opinions. As always I'll keep them in mind for future tributes. I'll try to post one for Nico soon. :-)  I'll also try and add a new poll this evening as well. ^_^

On that note...more to come soon. ^_^


  1. :-) So...which of these girls was my personal favorite? That was Kaorinite. It's hard not to like a redheaded lab assistant. ^_^ Added onto that she a villainess too. ^_^

    Actually there were quite a few bad girls in this one and one of them did claim the top spot so that was pretty hot.

    Great voting guys. ^_^

  2. It was a hard choice between Botan and Shizune, but I ended going with Botan =D I've had a thing for her since I first saw her back when in the mid 90's when I was 5 or 6 she's the reason I have a thing for girls with blue hair haha. Well at least she didn't come in last

    1. I like Botan too Destiny Dueler. :-D It's definitely nice to see that she has a good following. ^_^

    2. That's good =D, and it is nice to see I'm not the only one =D

  3. Good poll! Still, it's Shizune all the way for me :)

    1. Thanks Actionpacked. ^_^ Shizune is a great pick. If I were to guess beforehand I would have thought that her or Bianca would have won this one. Nico stealing this was a surprise for me. ^_^

  4. While im sad Shizune didn't win im just glad she beat out Bianca :)

    though i knew Robin would when when i seen the choices which i didnt know she was an Asst. of any type but i dont want OP either

    1. Glad she beat out Bianca? What could you possibly hate about Bianca?

    2. I dont hate her but if my choice had no shot at first i wanted her to at least get second lol

    3. :-D They are both really cool characters.

  5. As for the new poll this is one of the first i really had to think as all of them are "Meh" to me so i settled for Mrs. Clyne

    1. Lacus is a good choice. ^_^ Yeah I think this one of the few polls where I didn't have one of ultra popular animes (Naruto, One Piece, Pokemon, Dragon Ball or Sailor Moon) involved. It should be interesting to see how it plays out.

    2. Yea but if it had to be a Gundam girl it MUST be Cagalli lol
