Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Lilo and Stitch: Nani Pelekai (Bonus)

Ok this week we're going to visit Hawaii taking a look at the characters from Lilo and Stitch. Here is a tribute to Nani. ^_^
(These caps are a combination of images from the Lilo and Stitch movies and the animated series.  I have to once again give a massive thank you to Match25 (the Legendary Master of Sole Shots himself) for capping this series. I also want to dedicate this post to Samspider3 who requested this character way back in 2009. I know that sometimes it might take us awhile to post but we do try our best to fulfill every request we can. ^_^ All the best wishes.)

Nani is Lilo's older sister. Both Lilo and her lost their parents at a young age and Nani works very hard to take care of her sister. Because of that she can sometimes get stressed out but she really cares about her family (both Lilo and later the adopted alien Stitch very much).

I like Nani a lot. She is pretty feisty but at the same time she can be very sweet and caring too. It's not easy when you have to step up to raise a younger sibling but Nani really does her best. I have to give her a lot of props for that especially considering all the trouble that her sister and Stitch could get into. Nani also has one of the funniest scenes in the first movie where she tries to get Stitch to talk and then gets really surprised when he does. In terms of appearances she's really cute too. She has an exotic Polynesian look going for her and the hot climate of Hawaii lets her have the opportunity for showing off her feet in revealing footwear. You really have to like a girl who knows how to surf too. Nani tends to be pretty busy. I bet that she could use a foot rub at the end of a long day.

Ok on that hot's time to end the entry but as usual more to come soon. :-)


  1. I always liked Nani too. I also love her character design because she's got a curvy figure and isn't a typical skinny girl. :)

    1. It's true. You don't really get to see this type of look that often. :-)

  2. That was a good movie and the series wasn't too bad. You did a good job with this dude. A very nice collection set up. Keep it up man. I can't wait to see what you make next.

  3. At the end of the episode remmy
    where they are all at the beach and Nani say I think it's time a certain little genetic experiment tickled a certain little girl I just want to say great idea Nani and after that let's tickle a certain big girls toes
