Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Weekenders: Petratishkovna "Tish" Katsufrakis

Tish is a straight-A student, but has received at least one "B" grade, which surprised everyone and Tish herself. She is also a perfectionist and a vegetarian. Tish enjoys reading, classical music, art, and solving math problems in her head during her free time. She plays dulcimer and has participated in many contests. She also greatly admires William Shakespeare.


  1. I would thank if u post Isabella from Phineas & Ferb. There are some caps:

    "Great Balls of Water"
    "Spa Day"
    "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror"

    And my favourites from the beginning of:

    "Isabella and the temple of sap"

  2. Tish was such a cutie.

    It would be rude to ask for the names of the episodes used for the screenshots of this post?

    1. If you save the images, the file names have the episode number.

  3. Nice tribute. She seems like an interesting character. ^_^

  4. Tish was awesome, though Lor was my favorite girl from that show! Great post, Bam!

  5. man, Is it too much to ask, you mention that chapters are the scenes?
