Saturday, January 25, 2014

Kampfer: Natsuru Senou

Ok for the last set of tributes. I capped all the foot scenes from a series I was watching over the Christmas Break called Kampfer. To start things off here is a tribute to the main character of the series Natsuru Senou. Senou has a bit of a Ranma 1/2 thing going. He's recruited against his will to become a Kampfer. Basically they are warriors who battle amongst themselves. However Kampfers can only be females so he is magically transformed into a girl. These are picture of the character in female form. ^_^

(Various scenes of Senou from the Kampfer anime. A massive Thank You to His Divine Shadow for introducing me to the series.)

Kampfer is an interesting anime. With the Ranma 1/2 element, it sort of combines a magical girl transformation series with a harem anime. There are a lot of women in this anime and all of them are attracted to Senou. There is a little bit of a comedic twist with how each girl likes him though. Some prefer his male form while others like him in his female form. Quite a few of them like both. ^_^ Senou attends a school which segregates its male and female population however thanks to the character's gender swab ability, Senou experiences life as both sexes.

In a lot of ways Senou is the typical male protagonist in a harem anime (well about as typical as you can get considering the fact that he's undergoes a magical sex  changes at random moments in the series). He's clueless to the fact that women find him his male form so attractive. He himself is only interested in a fellow student named Kaede but she is only attracted to his female form. As a Kampfer, Senou is the magic type being able to create and fire magical fireballs. ^_^ He has a kind heart which helps a lot of girls become interested in him.

Ok everyone...that's it for today. As usual...more to come soon. :-)


  1. Ah I've seen some of this show. :) It's pretty fun!

    1. :-D Yeah it's a fun show. ^_^ I really enjoyed watching it. ^_^

  2. Here's the thing with characters like that I really can't like the character knowing that she was born a boy even though she changed into a full girl it's still just creepy to me. Same with Female naruto and Ranma, it just gives me a bad vibe

    1. :-) I can definitely understand that. The Ranma factor definitely can mess with a person's heard.

  3. You know, in a way, this character reminds me somewhat of Robin Williams's role in Mrs. Doubtfire, don't you think?

    1. Heh heh I can why it would remind you of that. ^_^
