Thursday, March 13, 2014


Just a quick tribute today guys. Recently Microsoft announced they were working on a digital assistant version of Cortana for their Windows 8 Phones.  She'd be like the Microsoft equivalent of Siri. ^_^ For those of you not familiar with Cortana, she is an artificial intelligent character who assists the player in the Halo series. Her holographic form is often depicted barefoot. :-D
(These are all just various webfinds that I came across during a quick search)

:-D One step closer to having a cute female avatar to engage in fetish scenerios with. Imagine the possibilities...

User: Cortana I'm feeling stressed could you rub your feet in my face.
Cortana: It would be my pleasure to assist you commander.

And with that optimistic outlook for the future, let's end this entry here. As always...more to come soon!!


  1. Very nice I'd love that but I think they log all the questions haha, I wonder what Cortana would say to that though =D, awesome post KSC, I just recently started liking Cortana after replaying Halo

    1. :-) I suspect that if technology got advanced enough that a holographic version of Cortana as a personal assistant did exist then worshiping her feet would be a common request. It would be like googling a favorite female celebrity or character and finding the word feet after their name in the auto complete. A lot of of people must be doing that. O_O I have yet to play the Halo series myself. It's definitely on my list though.

    2. That's very true =D that would be amazing =D, it would also be awesome if they made apps for different girls, like Android 18 =D, and yeah I never would have played Halo if it wasn't for my little brother, not usually a fan of shooters. I do know they have that Hatsune Miku where she will step on you

    3. :-D Those type of apps would be awesome. I would totally download a virtual Android 18. :-D Now that I think about it some tablets and phones already have an Android operating wouldn't be a stretch for them to customize the avatar for Dragon Ball fans. ^_^ O_O That sounds hot!! Have to check that out.

    4. I can just imagine 18 being sarcastic and mean about everything haha

    5. :-D Heh heh...yeah she would be great

  2. Ah yeah, one of my favorite videogame ladies ever. :D Her design in Halo 4 is easily the most beautiful, too.

    Another really good fanart of her is this one:

    1. Thanks Atomic Chinchilla. Wow that is a great image. Amazingly detailed feet. Scamwich is an excellent artist. :-D

  3. Beautiful collection of Cortana! Best part of Halo 4!

    1. Thanks very much Actionpacked. :-) She is a great character. ^_^
