Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Street Fighter Sneak Peek: Juri

Hi guys. A little bit of a quick post. Free Comic Book day was last Saturday which is normally a joyous occasion in itself. What made it even sweeter was that one of the comics was a Street Fighter issue and Tae kwon do bad girl Juri had a cameo in it. I fully intend to give Juri a megapost on the site in the future (see Hit List) but I couldn't resist posting a couple of panels from the issue...
Would so love to spar with her. :-)
(These are a combination of webfinds and panels from Udon's Street Fighter  #0 Free Comic Book Day Issue. The bottom image was wallpaper that the Sole Keeper posted on his Virtual Soles blog)

Udon Comics will be releasing some new volumes and it seems like Juri will make an appearance in it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some good scenes of her feet. In any case she'll definitely reappear here in the future. :-)

Speaking of  sexy martial artists...this takes me into a new round of...

Basically the inspiration for this column was thanks to a series of chapter that I really enjoyed reading by the author Roganjosh. He added to two stories the first is the interactive Deadly Feet.

Deadly Feet by Vicanity
I spotlighted this story in the past involving the main character (you) getting involved in a martial arts tournament against female fighters. Recently there has been  a lot of great additions in the Jessica involving you getting dominated, defeated or becoming a footslave to that sexy blonde fighter. There are also some really good additions to other fighters like Alexa and Susan as well.

The second story that Roganjosh added to was another Vicanity interactive...

Trouble With Enemies
This interactive involves the main character being at the mercy of his female enemies. I really recommend the recent additions. There's some great chapters involving a goth girl making the main character her slave and humiliating him in public.

Ok guys...that's all for now. I'm working on some mega-posts for you guys but they might take a little bit longer to organize.

Until next time everyone