Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Anime Feet Tournament of Champions 3

Hey guys...Sorry I haven't been posting much material recently. The summer has been a lot busier than I hoped it would be. Compounding the problem, my Internet has been cutting in and out recently. I'm getting a new router tomorrow that would hopefully solve that problem.

Anyway...on to the main event. Anime Feet's third Tournament of Champions has come to a close. After a impressive 1421 votes...here are the results...
Heh heh you know these girls are popular when none of them score less than 70 votes. ^_^ It looked like May's feet managed to catch the attention of most fans though and she joins previous winners Dawn and Sakura as an Anime Feet Champion. In second place was Kingdom Hearts Kairi and the Ice Hottie Mizore placed third.

Just want to give a big thank you to everyone for voting. As always I'll try and keep your opinions in mind in the future.

I'm going to get back late tonight so I might be a little bit slow posting a new poll. You guys gave a lot of good ideas for the next one though. I'll try and post one of them either late tonight or tomorrow morning.

Ok guys...that's it for now. Have a great day everyone!!


  1. As for my own favorite...This was a tough one. I liked so many of the women in this. I guess if I had to choose, May would win out for me. Anyway...great voting everyone!!

  2. Bulma wins for me. I also really like Juri, but she's way too scary and homicidal. XD

    1. :-D Both those women are hot. Juri also was a close fave for me as well as was Mizore. ^_^

  3. My girl Makoto got last place.... I'm a sad panda.

    1. There there. We can be sad panda's together. *voted for Kagome, who came in second to last*

    2. There are some advantages in voting for a character that receives fewer votes. You get to prove how devoted you are to them. I'm sure they appreciate your votes for them all the more. ^_^

  4. I'm sorry about slacking off this past month. This month I'm going to try to make one post every day.

    1. Wow...Marathon posting...O_O Really exciting. It's quite a challenge. Best of luck with it Bambino!!

  5. I had to pick Juri. Couldn't say no, but this was a good competition.

  6. =D Mizore is one I could never pass up haha a lot of good choices with Chun and Bulma being my second

    1. Thanks Destiny Dueler. :-D Mizore is a really cool choice. Chun and Bulma are great too. ^_^
