Saturday, July 12, 2014

Forgotten Fighter Feet

Hey guys, its me. Its been a long time since I posted anything and with summer school and my own personal projects its hard to sit down and take caps of stuff to post. I have one really big contribution coming but it will take a long time to complete. So in the mean time, I thought I would share some pics I found of characters I would like to find more material of.

The following characters are from an unknown fighting game and I would like to know if anyone knows anything about either of them.

This is a character named Sung. Does she look familiar to anyone? Can you give me a franchise name or anything if you know who she is?

This is Sinclair. I am assuming she comes from the same game/franchise as Sung. If anyone has any more details let me know.

As for those who won my little contest, please be patient on your requests. I got a lot going on. If you could all remind me what it was you wanted specifically via email that would be great. Thank you. And please help me find more on these two cuties.


  1. Sinclair is from Path of the Warrior: Art of Fighting 3 which is an SNK game. Not sure about Sung, but that is an amazing pic of her sole.

    1. Thanks for your help man. I really appreciate it. If you know anyone else knowledgeable about any of this, please let me know. I'd like to start making stuff or commissioning stuff of these characters sometime soon.

      And yeah, Sung gave a really nice sole shot in her official art.

  2. ^_^ Both of these women are new to me Heretichero but they look very hot!! Nice post man. ^_^

    1. Thanks. Sorry I haven't been active lately. I've mostly been focused on deviantart these days. Also, email me again with all the specific details on what you want in your request such as if its a tickle or worship story or something else, which girl and what methods of tickling etc you want in it. Thanks.

    2. No problem Heretichero, I've been juggling a lot lately too. I e-mailed you yesterday but I'm not sure it went through. I'm going to e-mail you again tonight let me know if you get it.

      Thanks again for doing this. ^_^

  3. sung is from tenth degree which was cancelled

    1. Thanks for letting me know man. Was it just called Tenth Degree? If it was canceled does that mean there's no other art of this character besides this pic I found? That sucks. I was hoping to do more of her and Sinclair here. Oh well.

  4. Here's a preview of the new series Ronia, I admit, I'm not overall crazy over cgi, but the animations looks close to cel-shading and it looks like a good series.

    1. It looks good but I don't think I'm going to do screencaps of it. Sorry dude. The character is way too young for this sort of thing. Sorry, but that's a line I draw whenever I do something fetish related. Never with anyone clearly underage or clearly not mature enough for this .

    2. I dig what you're saying, dude, I just posted this if anyone was interested in it, not for any other reason.

    3. Nice to know Miyazaki legacy is going strong. I'm been meaning to watch Earthsea for a long time and I guess I should add this to my list too. Thanks very much for the info Shadowmandude. ^_^

  5. Never seen either of them before, but I dig Sinclair. :)

    1. Its cool. Thankfully someone else was around to tell me. Sinclair is from Warrior's Path 3 while Sung is from a canceled Atari game in 1996 called Tenth Degree: Juko Threat.
      Yeah man, Sinclair is pretty hot. Its a pity she was forgotten by the fetish community. I really want to see artwork of her now.

    2. Hey heretichero666
      Would you be interested in doing an interview for my blog?

  6. I kinda really fell in love with sung here, she's hot and her sole shot was appealing. Barefoot martial arts girls are awesome and sexy as heck.
