Monday, October 13, 2014

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS: Wii Fit Trainer

Hello there! Juancho here. This is my first entry, but have always been in the shadows helping KSC with bonuses--especially Nintendo and Pokémon ones.

So, yes... Any true Nintendo fan that also has a fondness for feet should be aware, since more than one year ago, that the hot Trainer from Wii Fit would be one of the playable characters in the newest Super Smash Bros.. And she would appear barefoot, just like in Wii Fit :D Having the 3DS version been released, we now have caps from it! Here is a first set of caps from the trophy gallery in the game, feet-uring the Wii Feet Trainer!

Warm it up!

 Arm & Leg Lift




Trivia: the Trainers in Wii Fit U are no longer white-skinned, but have a more natural pink tone. Don't you wish they had included the most updated models? Anyway, enjoy, and expect a sequel to this post :)


  1. Yeah I wish they would've she looks like a mannequinn and I have an irrational small fear of them from childhood >< haha so I've never played as her same for Rosalina I refuse to touch them

  2. I love her feet, i dont care if their white, i cant wait for the sequel

  3. Wow spectacular post Juancho. ^_^ Great caps!! Love the Wii fit Trainer a lot. O_O I have to look up the newer models Having played the Wii Fiit games...I'm pretty used to seeing her pale appearance like this. If they used the newer model it might take some getting used to for me.

  4. No way, guys. Her white skin is what makes her hot! XD Can't wait until the WiiU version comes out for some HD caps.

  5. I was just about to mention this to you KSC

    1. :-D Yeah she's very hot. I really wish I had the game. :-D Juancho did a really amazing job capturing and posting her. ^_^

  6. You forgot The Bridge pose, a lovely double sole shot

  7. I knew these would come up eventually. This is the whole reason I was excited for Wii Fit Trainer joining Smash

    1. i think it was the whole reason a lot of guys were excited for her joining. one of my main motivating factors

    2. It also helps that she is actually a really good character to use too

  8. I was hoping these would be posted. Nice job.
