Friday, March 20, 2015

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Wasp

Janet Van Dyne is an energetic and spunky hero who loves being an Avenger. She's always eager to save someone or beat up some bad guys. Her powers allow her to shrink down to tiny size while retaining her full size's strength, grow wings and fly, and create energy "stingers" from her hands. Always ready with a joke and a sting in dire situations, Jan takes to the air as the high-flying, Wonderful Wasp.

I've had a horrible stretch of computer problems lately, but now I'm back and rarin' to go with a tribute to an awesome cartoon and awesome character. Hope you all like! I'll be gathering caps for some new posts soon! Peace.


  1. Damn, you beat me to it. Good work.

  2. Wasp had a lovely set of feet in ultimate avengers too. She didnt have enough shots in this show though odd since each time she changes she ends up naked most of the time. Good post!

  3. Great Post, just hope they have a better relationship then in the comics

  4. Awesome!!! Wasp Rocks!! It's nice to see she has some good barefoot scenes in the series. Great post Atomic Chinchilla. :-)
