Thursday, April 2, 2015

Easter Poll/News Etc

Whoa!! Everyone seems on their guard. Relax...No pranks this least not from me anyway ;-p (see previous post).  I just wanted to give you guys a brief update on what's been going on with me. I'm sorry I haven't been active on the site for awhile now ... I've just been really really busy. For those of you who don't know I was traveling/working in Thailand and Singapore for a bit. I've been back in the states for a few months now and I want to resume working/updating/commenting on the site but my schedule has been really hectic! The sad part is that it doesn't look like it will lighten any time soon. I'm going to be busy for at least another month if not until the summer.  (I couldn't resist doing an Special Easter poll though)

The good new is that I seem to have left the site in really great hands. Everyone has really been bringing their A game. Particular shout outs to Bambino, Match, Atomic Chinchilla, Mrbatemanwearing  and Actionpacked for contributing some really awesome material. The first quarter of 2015 has some really Jawdropping post and I'm still perusing them all.

Ok just so that this post doesn't seem like it's all are a couple of Easter themed images. ^_^

Ok Guys... I honestly don't know when the next time you'll be hearing from me again will be (maybe the end of April). I'll try to keep dropping in though.

In any case...thanks to everybody for visiting and keeping the site going and all the best!!


  1. Good to see you again, my friend!

    1. Thank Bambino. ^_^ It's good to see you too. :-D

  2. Good to see ya, boss! :D

    And I'm pretty sure Sailor Moon's gonna dominate the poll. XD

    1. :-D Good to see you too Atomic Chinchilla. ^_^

      Yeah I think that Sailor Moon is heavily favored to win this one. :-D

    2. I'm going with the underdo- Underabbit... Black Rabbit xD Just cause Mondaiji is one of the few on the list I've actually seen so I'm familiar with Black Rabbit :-D And she's super hot ;-)

    3. :-D That's a great pick. Black Rabbit is really cute. I really need to watch Mondaiji. It looks like a fun series. ^_^

    4. :-D Yeah Mondaiji is amazing! I'm probably gonna read the manga eventually, cause the anime only has 10 episodes and I want more xD

    5. Wow...High praise and only 10 episodes too. This seems like a really great candidate for my next marathon watch. ^_^

    6. Lol. That... Or Heaven's Lost Property... *Cough* Or Code Geass *Cough* Sorry... Springtime allergies ;-)

    7. :-D So many good ones to watch. Heh heh yeah I really need to watch Code Geass too. First extended break I get...gonna to to marathon it. ^_^

    8. He he. It's totally worth it. Trust me ;-)

    9. O.O Definitely need to watch it. ^_^

  3. Ha, glad to see you again. I was wondering what happened to you. Seeing a new poll made me happy to be sure. And thank you for the shoutout. I'm currently working on a few projects and I can't wait to post them and with my work schedule loosening up for the next 6 months I aim to post new content as soon as I see them and continue the hunt. One in particular being Penny from the new Inspector Gadget series that Netflix just launched. Even though it's CG she's had quite a bit of foot love and her being older is definitely a treat.

    And I must say, Bambino and Atomic Chinchilla in particular have been nailing it. Keep up the fantastic work you too.

    1. Thanks, dude! :) Looking forward to your future stuff.

    2. :-D Thanks Mrbatemanwearingawig. O_O I'm really looking forward to seeing those tributes.

      Yeah both of them have really released some awesome posts.You've done some excellent posts as well. I loved your Jessie and Zelda continuation posts and Elsa losing her slipper was a really great find. :-)

  4. I'd say Black Rabbit haha, although Usagi is tempting and very nice post =D. Glad to see you're back for at least a bit, dunno what you do but it sounds interesting haha to travel like that.

    1. Thanks Destiny Dueler. Black Rabbit is a great choice. :-) Yeah it's definitely an interesting experience. Both countries are nice to see.

  5. Would it be alright if I kept my April 1 posts up?

    Also, would you mind if I did some boy tributes every once in a while? I've been wanting to branch out from strictly female feet for a long time now.

    1. Sorry but I can't let that happen. As a prank they are all right but at the end of the day...this is a women's feet site. It has been for 8 years and it will continue to be. In the spirit of April Fool's day you can leave them up until April 7th so that the Joke has a good run but after that they need to be gone. I did the same thing with Heretichero's April Fool's day posts.

      The truth is my own preference is heavily towards women's feet and I prefer to keep the site that way too. I guess the equivalent is an Anchovy Pizza. There are people that like that topping but it's not for me. While it's possible to pick the Anchovies off if I were to get one... I'd prefer being able to enjoy my food without going through the trouble. A lot of viewers here feel the same way and when they see a post involving Guy's feet... it is sort of a buzz kill. It's something I relate to because Women's feet are what I'm passionate about.

      Anyway, you posts were good as a prank but that's as far as I want to take it.

  6. Even though Sailor Moon has this one in the bag, I wanted to add Tewi Inaba to the poll. And why not? She ALWAYS goes barefoot!

    1. I really need to start looking into the Tourou series. It seems like they have some really great characters. ^_^

    2. The best part is that it's a GIRL-ONLY series! Not a single male in sight!
