Thursday, November 12, 2015

Chibi Maruko-chan: Sakiko Sakura

Sakiko Sakura is Maruko's older sister in the Japanese manga and anime series Chibi Maruko Chan. Sakiko is well-behaved for her age, and often gives words of advice to her younger sister Maruko. She sometimes ends up in a foul temper after arguing with Maruko over unimportant matters, although she is never the one to initiate the quarrels. Sakiko is well-behaved for her age, and often gives words of advice to her younger sister Maruko. She sometimes ends up in a foul temper after arguing with Maruko over unimportant matters, although she is never the one to initiate the quarrels. She has a massive fan crush on Hideki Saijo, a popular Japanese male singer during the '70s era. She is sometimes seen watching him live on television, keeping a poster of him in the bedroom shared with her sister, or holding some other merchandise depicting him. She sometimes has to cover up intense feelings of embarrassment in situations where she finds Maruko engaging in strange behavior outside of home, usually amongst friends or other groups of people.


  1. :-D Get to mark another series off the Hit List. This is a particular meaningful accomplishment because I remember it being one of the first series you were working on when you came here.

    1. I remember that. Gosh, it was just about four years ago that I sent you those images.

      I had for years given up on ever doing this show. The issue being was that there are actually two shows: one that aired from 1990-1992 and a second that's been ongoing since 1995. I found a good DVDrip of the first show, but the second is almost impossible to find online in any sort of significant number of episodes. Recently however HD episodes have been popping up on YouTube, so I downloaded them and once I had 50 or so I decided "Hey, before I go I should finish what I started".

      I only regret I could find more episodes because I know there are many more great scenes with the two sisters.

    2. It came out really great. Awesome series of post Bambino. ^_^
