Monday, December 28, 2015

Uncharted 4: Nadine Ross

Nadine is a mercenary for hire and the leader of the South African mercenary outfit Shoreline. She and her counterpart Rafe both attempt to stop Nathan Drake and his brother, Sam, from retrieving a legendary pirate artifact at the mythical pirate colony within Libertalia, Madagascar.


  1. Can you maybe posted Ellena Fisher's feet from Uncharted:Drake's Fortune

  2. Love the image of a lady taking off her shoes to fight. :)

  3. Finally got some time off. ^_^ On vacation until New Years Woot!!!!! Great post Bambino. ^_^ Really a big fan of this series and looking forward to playing this one.

  4. Not the first time a character voiced by Laura Bailey went barefoot. I still remember Evangeline from Negima as clear as day.
