Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo: Lizbeth Salander

I've been reading the comic book adaptation of The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo recently. It actually has pretty good foot scenes involving the title character Lizbeth Salander.
(These are capped from The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo graphic novel volumes 1 and 2 as well as its follow up comic The Girl Who Played with fire.)

Lizbeth is hacker with a hidden past. She works as a researcher for a private investigation firm. She is extremely intelligent but also has some psychological problems due a rather traumatic life. She tends to be pretty close guarded and is (understandably) really slow to trust people. In the first book of the series, a journalist named Mikael Blomkvist enlists her aid in order to help him investigate the disappearance of woman named Harriet who mysteriously vanished 40 years ago.

I should probably mention that the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo and the subsequent books that follow it are written for a Mature audience. While I kept this tribute rather tame (there were a couple of caps that were a little too intense to post), the series covers a lot of adult themes (rape, murder etc) so reader discretion is definitely advised. That said... the graphic novel adaption is a really exciting read and I highly recommend it. The mystery kept me guessing until the end of the book and there was quite a bit of action to keep the story going.

The character of Lizbeth Salander has been very well received among critics. The Washington Times referred to her as one of the most fascinating characters to appear in Crime fiction in  a long time while the New York Times stated she was one of the most original. In Sweden she even has a street named after her. It easy to understand why a lot of people like her. She is really cool. She is the type of person who you would want to have on your side and not the type you would want to cross.  She is fiercely loyal to her friends and destroys her enemies. Just to give you an idea she sets a person who angers her on fire. You really don't want to mess with her. Not only is Lizbeth really smart being able to hack a person's financial records and steal all the money in their account, she's also physically intimidating as well and has trained in kickboxing. Her boxing trainer gave her the nickname Wasp because of her speed in the ring. 

From a fetishist's standpoint, Lisbeth's appearance is really awesome. You gotta love her sexy goth look. The character is also known to use bondage as a means of interrogating and getting revenge on someone and as the caps above would attest sometimes her feet are involved. None of the characters she winds up dominating seem to enjoy it though. :-p

Ok everyone... That's all for tonight. As always more to come soon!!


  1. I loved the movie but I didn't even know this graphic novel existed! Thanks for this!

    1. Thanks Mrbateman. :-) I didn't know the series existed in Graphic Novel form either. I found it in the library by accident and got curious. I've been meaning to watch the film or read the novel for awhile but I never got the chance. I was surprised by how good it was. Now I have to try and watch the film too. ^_^

  2. Hey dude... I used to visit this blog way back. I suddenly remembered about you today. It's so nice to see you're still in action. I hope you keep it up. Oh and you're writing has changed btw, I don't know how to put it. I feel it has become better. Stay awesome Pal ;)

  3. Hey dude... I used to visit this blog way back. I suddenly remembered about you today. It's so nice to see you're still in action. I hope you keep it up. Oh and you're writing has changed btw, I don't know how to put it. I feel it has become better. Stay awesome Pal ;)

    1. Thank you so much Vyshakh. :-) That's really encouraging to hear. That really means a lot to me.

  4. why has so much of your stuff disappeared? is it some kind of filter?

    1. One of our poster's account got deleted last month so a lot of the pics he uploaded are currently down. :-( We are working to reupload and fix the damaged posts but it's going to take some time to repair them all.

    2. he must have posted a lot. it seems like all my favorites like the naruto girls, starfire, and lucy have been deleted

    3. Yeah those are my favorites too. :-( Working to repair all of those but it's probably going to take awhile to get the site archive back up to full power.

    4. here's a suggestion. Rose from Fullmetal Alchemist. In both animes, she typically wears sandals, although she wears sandals in almost all her appearances in the 2003 anime and only wears them in episode 3 of brotherhood (the 2009 anime)

    5. Thanks for the Recommendation Black Viper. I've been really wanting to watch Full Metal Alchemist for awhile now. I'll try to cap her.

    6. yea, in brotherhood, there's a close up of her feet
