Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Squirrel Girl 2

Sorry about the late post tonight...just got back. ^_^ The latest episode of Ultimate Spiderman had a great Beach scene in it during which we managed to get a good view of Squirrel girl's bare feet in it.
(These Were Capped from the Ultimate Spiderman series Season 4 Episode 12 Agent Web. A Tremendous thank you to JTurner for finding and tipping me off to this episode)

Previous Tribute to Squirrel Girl:

Gotta love episodes that give beach downtime to Superheroines. ^_^ It's one of those situations that you don't have to have to be a foot fetishist to appreciate. An attractive woman in a swimsuit is awesome to behold. ^_^

If you guys noticed... that sexy latina woman stretching in the background as Squirrel Girl was running past is White Tiger. They'll be more of her from this episode in my next post. :-)

More Heroine feet to come soon everyone. ^_^


  1. Replies
    1. If only. Just really glad to see this more of this version of her barefoot though. ^_^

  2. Ah, Squirrel Girl, one of the only people to defeat Deadpool in hand to hand combat, which greatly humiliates him

    1. :-D Wow that's awesome. Have to look that one up.

    2. she not only beat Deadpool, she beat Dr. Doom, Wolverine, AND Thanos (although it never was confirmed if it was the real Thanos)

    3. Oh and she befriended Galactus and convinced him not to eat earth

    4. :-D Wow... yet some more proof how awesome she is.
