Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Fairy Tail Zero: Mavis Vermilion (Part 1)

I'm hitting one of the big Summer posts tonight... a Tribute to Mavis Vermilion from the Fairy Tail series. I haven't gotten a chance to watch the main series yet. It's definitely on my watch list but with hundreds of episodes it's a huge time commitment. Shadowmandude however pulled me into it by recommending 3 episodes of the prequel series which focuses on a barefoot character. I did not know what I was getting into. By the time I reached the end of the 3 episodes. I had close to 600 pictures of the cute female lead leaving me no choice but to divide this tribute to her multiple posts. To make it simple. I decided to divide the set by episode. All of the ones in this post are from Fairy Tail Zero Episode 2.
(A Massive Thank you to Shadowmandude for Recommending this character and episodes involving her and also making the beautiful animated Gif above. I could really spend hours just watching Mavis' feet run. :-D Once again these are from Fairy Tail Zero Episode 2 just in case you missed the blurb above. :-p)

Earlier Anime Feet Tribute to Mavis:

From the 3 episodes of the prequel I saw. I really need to start watching the main series. It's a lot of fun. I get the feeling that the main series is even more intense. Mavis is a great. I like smart characters and intelligence seems to be Mavis' claim to fame. She clever, witty and seems really energetic. She spent a lot of time in a library reading all sorts of books and as a result she has a wide range of knowledge on a variety of subjects (plants, ancient civilizations, she even knows a bit of magic). She's also incredibly adept at reading people being able to deduce things about them with Sherlock Holmes accuracy.

One thing that I'm sure that we all like about her is that she almost never wears shoes. She even confesses to her friend this very episode that she enjoys being barefoot and feeling the ground beneath her feet. :-) 

Ok more Mavis to come in the near future. ^_^ Until Next time everyone!!


  1. There are a LOT of great foot scenes in Fairy Tail. So many that nobody can keep track of all of them.

    1. :-D Yeah I'm beginning to see that... The series looks like a gold mine of scenes.

  2. Should do lucy, she's among those we lost

    1. :-D I think she'll be reposted. Erza as well. I may do a little of her vs Tartaros since someone sent caps in for that set and I want to do some commentary on her but I'm pretty sure Bambino will repost the full tributes he created for her in the future.

  3. :-D Thanks... She seems like a really great character.

    O_O Are there good scenes in Episode 1? The scenes recommended to me were in episode 2, 3, and 4.

    1. Wow She's 100? I guess something big happens to her between the prequel and the main series.

      :-) Thanks for the tip. I'll look into it. I may not cap it though if I feel she's too young. She's already a little young as is. We'll see though.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yeah, but I don't remember what. She's 113 in the series proper.

      To me, too young is toddler age. Also, who the heck is deleting my comments?

    4. Wow interesting. :-)

      ^_^ I'll watch the episode and see how it is. It's not on my end. ^_^;

    5. Awesome. And don't worry, I know you're innocent.
