Sunday, July 31, 2016

Keiro (Part 1)

I'm posting just before midnight again tonight. ^_^; Tonight's post cover a great CG animated short called Keiro which stars a really cute redhead. :-)
(A Big Thank You to the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 for letting me know about this short. It was really awesome. ^_^)

I'll link to both the animated short and behind the scenes just in case you want to see it for yourself. I will do a synopsis of the film in this entry but I really recommend that you see it for yourself first.

The Film:

Behind the scenes:

Keiro is really a beautifully done film with a lot of symbolism involved in it. The story has the main character Asae progress on a journey from childhood to adulthood accompanied by her companion Kago. Kago is symbolic of a teddy bear. For the young Asae... he is a huge companion that she enjoys playing with. He helps her though difficult times as they adventure together. As Asae gets older though Kago weakens and Asae winds up looking after him. It's really touching how the two characters look out for each other at different times. Eventually Asae reaches a point in her journey where she has to go forward herself. The ending is a really powerful scene where Asae leaves Kago in the arms of her younger self ensuring that he will always exist in the memories of her childhood.

Ok... The caps in this set only cover half of this short. The nice thing about CG animation is that the frame rate tends to be much higher than normal animation. Before I realized it, I had over 800 caps. I decided to split it into 2 sets just to make it a little easier on your modems. ^_^ Part 2 will be out tomorrow. :-) I'll talk more about the film in the next segment as well.

Until Next Time Everyone!

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