Friday, August 19, 2016

Alice The Madness Returns

Ok... Tonight's post takes us down the Rabbit hole and deals with American Mcgee's Alice from the Madness Returns. 
(A Big Thank You to His Divine Shadow for recommending this character)

Cosplay pictures of this version of Alice

I think that you can guess from the images that American Mcgee's Alice is a much more twisted and disturbing look at the Wonderland stories than the Lewis Carroll books go. This version of Alice is in a mental institute and you are given the impression that her visits to wonderland are products of her insane mind. Dark and twisted!

The nice thing about the game series is that two of Alice's dresses (her Underwater Siren's Dress and her Fleshmaiden outfit) give us a really good look at her feet. ^_^ It's even hotter when you take into account that Alice's normal outfit in this series involve a really sexy pair of gothic boots. You can just imagine what it is like to see her taking them off. ^_^

Ok on that mental image. It's time to end the entry her. As always though... more to come soon!

Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. There is a anime called boys over flowers and a cute girl has lovely feet on episode 20 her name is Tsukushi Makino :-)

    1. O_O It sounds really cool. Thanks for the recommendation Dean.

  2. I'm flattered ^_^

    Anyway as one who platinumed the game... Yeah. It's extremely dark and twisted. You nailed it with your observation ;-) I won't spoil anything but the big reveal at the end... It's messed up... Alice is crazy for a reason. Fun game though. I should really go back and play around with the DLC dresses. I used the Fleshmaiden for Nightmare difficulty, the unlimited Hysteria was a lifesaver for the Colossus enemies... And they were bad enough on normal and hard. *Shivers* Those things are freaky. I do think it's cool how her dress changes with the level you're on, obviously the underwater one is my favorite. The DLC dresses have some OP effects, but the designs on them are cool. Though some are kinda unnerving like the Cheshire one.

    1. :-)

      O_O It seems like an exciting game with some interesting twists. O_O The outfits have abilities. That's really cool. :-D The underwater outfit definitely rocks. I googled the Cheshire outfit... Scary!

    2. Oh yeah. The DLC outfits each have an ability. Caterpillar helps you find secrets, the Chess Queen doubles your damage, etc. Gotta love the outfit :-) The platforming on the level will make YOU go crazy like Alice though. Ha ha. They really took the underwater thing and rolled with it. Stupid bubble jump jets. The Jellyfish... Oh and then the Drowned Sailor boss fight/platforming nightmare... Still a fun game though lol. But yeah. That Cheshire dress stares into your very soul xD

    3. O_O Wow neat. A lot of cool outfit and abilities. O.O There's a chess outfit... That is Super Awesome!! Definitely want to play the underwater levels the most. ^_^ Lol Cheshire outfit is definitely eerie. :-)

    4. I might have ranted about the game on WDC back when I played it, you probably said something similar then as well lol. The Chess outfit let me beat the last boss and take no damage for a silver I think. Double Damage + Maxed Out Teapot Cannon ;-) But like I keep saying, fun game. Getting kinda rare to find now though as it's a somewhat older title. Not like launch title old but getting there. It hovers around 50 on Amazon I think. I got a used one for like 30 I think... Maybe less. Didn't come with the code for the prequel game though cause it was used.

    5. Lol I do vaguely remember you talking about this one via e-mail as well. :-D I think that chances are if you mentioned the Chess costume my reaction would have definitely been meet with equal levels of enthusiasm. It definitely seems to live up to the name of Checkmate outfit. ^_^ Oh it must be a classic. If they ever release a sequel I'm sure that the greatest hits version would become available. :-D

    6. I figured lol. I do talk a lot xD But yeah, the dress lets you clean house. Specially since I had the level five Catnip Canon variant of the Teapot Canon from the DLC. I didn't wanna break the game though so I upgraded everything to level 4 the old fashioned way before I switched on the DLC weapons lol. Madness Returns is already a sequel itself. A sequel to Alice, a lesser known PC game. HD Remaster maybe... If demand is high enough. Closest thing to a sequel it has is Otherlands, which is some animated stuff to wrap up the series.

    7. :-D That's really great. :-D Heh heh you got the most mileage you could out of it. I actually remember seeing the Original PC game way in a computer game store way way back. I remember thinking wow this was twisted but it looked really tempting to play. My computer at the time though couldn't handle the graphics. It was during the period of time where modern Computer Technology was obsolete 3 months later. ^_^; Definitely hope for an HD remaster or re-release. O_O Didn't know about Otherlands. Should look into it.

  3. Yup lol. Ha ha, now it's every 6 months xD Yeah same, need an excuse to play again lol. It's like two episodes, 18 minutes collectively or something like that.

  4. Alice has some lovely feet, doesn't she?~
