Monday, August 29, 2016

Gen 13: Caitlin Fairchild

Since we devoted tributes to the other Gen 13 girls, it doesn't seem right to leave the remaining female team member out.
(Once again a Tremendous Thank You to DarkMind for recommending the Wildstorm women.)

Fairchild is massively hot. When Comic fans think of Gen 13, they probably immediately think about Caitlin before anything else. Even if they don't know any details about her team, background or storyline... they recognize her appearance and costume. It is hard to get her out of your mind once you see her.

The Unofficial leader of Gen 13, Caitlin is probably the team's strongest and most intelligent member. She has the power to increase her proportions and muscle density resulting in enhanced abilities such increased strength, super human agility and durability. She can lift over 100 tons putting her strength of equal power to Supergirl. She also has a limited amount of shape shifting abilities. In addition to her powers, Caitlin's intelligence is at an Ivy League level. She is an expert strategist and skilled at unarmed combat. In short.... She rocks!!

Like a lot of the Gen 13 woman. Caitlin's measurements are based on a celebrity model. In her case... it is Elle McPherson who is a redhead as well. ^_^

Ok everyone. That's all for tonight. As always, more to come soon!


  1. I knew Gen13 seemed familiar. A few years ago I saw like an animated movie or something. It was pretty good

  2. I knew Gen13 seemed familiar. A few years ago I saw like an animated movie or something. It was pretty good

    1. O_O I have to check that film out. My comic book knowledge of Image/Wildstorm characters is pretty limited so it would be a great way to be exposed to the series.

  3. I probably briefly touched on it in an email years ago lol. Far as I remember it was pretty good lol
