Monday, November 7, 2016

Fairy Tail: Yukino Aguria

Ok guys... The last post of the Marathon and it's a good one. ^_^ A tribute to Sabertooth Guild Member Yukino Aguria. ^_^
(These are from the Fairy Tail 2014 series episode 27 Welcome Back Frosch. A Big Thank you to Dean Lawrence for recommending this episode. ^_^)

A powerful mage. Yukino has a confidence about her while at the same time maintaining a politeness to her personality. As a mage Yukino has a bunch of Celestial keys allowing her to summon various spirits to assist her. She is also skilled in Martial Arts. ^_^ 

Yukino looks really cute. I like her exotic sense of fashion. This episode was really nice because it involved the Sabertooth guild opening their pool so we got to see a lot of the female characters in this series wearing swimsuits. Yukino has one of the best scenes in the episode involving her stripping and wearing a bathing suit. ^_^

Ok guys. With 141 days straight of posts and 180 tributes this basically concludes the Summer Marathon (which wound up going well into the fall). I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I tried to give it everything I had. :-) I also had a lot of help with this. The Marathon was originally only supposed to go until the end of August but because so many people sent in, posted and recommended a ton of material, we were able to extend the Marathon all the way through October. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting this site. Be it though posting, contributing material to the site, leaving a friendly comment, reading, or just being a foot fan/anime fan in general... you guys made it worthwhile to keep going even on days when I was completely exhausted. Thank you all so much for that!

So what happens now? I have a couple of more Fairy Tail posts to make and then I'm probably going to take a short break after that to catch my breath. I'm hoping to ease into a regular schedule of blogging after that though posting one or two tributes a week.

Once again thanks so much for visiting the site and as always... more to come soon!



    A round of applause!

    1. Pretty big accomplishment lol. It's well earned ^_^

    2. Yeah I don't know if I'll we'll ever be able to top this one but it was a lot of fun. :-) Thanks again. ^_^

  2. I think she better than cana i wish I found more of her :-D

    1. :-) She seems like a cool character. I like her dress style. ^_^

    2. Yep I like her dress style ^_^ to it makes me think of angel in a way.

    3. Nah Cana's better, and that's because Yukino is Angel's little sister

    4. Cana not better and never will be.

  3. Hey!! Good job King. This was so cool thanks!

  4. Very nice XD, Yukino is awesome but sadly the story writing for her doesn't go so well, Mashima seems to like to create females then bash them in torturous and humiliating ways.......

    1. Thanks. :-D Oh that's sad. She looks like she really deserves a good storyline.

    2. It really is he creates so many great characters but uses them in odd ways or tosses them aside, except for his favorite two the rest of the girls just aren't used that well, and even his main two are worse in some ways, and he loves to have them get beaten up and abused in weird ways too....

    3. Oh so sorry to hear that. I wish that he treated his characters better. It seems like Fairy Tail had an amazing set of girls.

  5. I think she still better than cana some things on her i didn't like about her character in one episode she said that she would leave fairy tail for a lame reason and the new power she got fairy glitter she didn't even used it much even more lame.

    But she does have some awesome moments

    1. LOL, doesn't understand Cana. Family issues are tough and you apparently have never gone through something with your parents accepting you and how it can cause emotional and mental problems. Fairy Glitter is a secret weapon and is not meant to constantly be used, same reason Makarov doesn't use Fairy Law all the time. Plus Cana has used Fairy Glitter several times over, in appropiate moments, it's not an everyday weapon. Doesn't understand how techniques are supposed to be used lol

    2. I'm not trying to start a fight I thought we were friends and I have gone through some issues with my family ever day to the point where I think of killing myself but i don't so I don't find it very funny.

      The fairy glitter I've seen her used it twice and I'm just give my opinion I did say she has some awesome moments. ^_^

    3. Ah, sorry thought you were trying to, and Cana's moment wasn't supposed to be funny that's why it has such emotional impact =0.

      I see =)

    4. why would I start a fight over something so childish.

      Let's act like this never happened ok =)

  6. I enjoyed the extra footy summer.
    Amazing posts and effort. ^^

    1. Thanks so much Serashikoki. ^_^ I'm really happy you enjoyed it. :-) I was a lot of fun to work on.
