Friday, November 25, 2016


Hi everyone. Hope that you had a good Thanksgiving. This week the film Moana comes out. It looks like a really great movie. The nice thing about it for us is that the Title character is a barefoot Hawaiian woman. :-) Hopefully we'll get some excellent caps of the character when the Blue Ray comes out a couple of months later but for now... I capped some scenes of the trailer just as a teaser for for the film. ^_^ 
I love CG animation but there are certain advantages and disadvantages to it. It's super detailed but sometimes the animators use a motion blur to simulate movement on screen. It looks great when you're watching the animation but not as good when you separate the scene into frames. It does make you picture how quick Moana's feet are moving though. 

(Big Thank Yous To Both Match25 (The Legendary Master of Sole Shots himself) and JTurner for recommending this character and film)

I hoping to watch this film over the next month so my knowledge of the film and character are still fairly limited. What I know so far about this film is that Moana is a girl who is friends with the Ocean who aides her when she needs it. She on a journey to help her friends which causes her to enlists the Demi-God Maui's help. Judging from the trailers... Moana seems like a great character. She is intelligent, attractive, strong willed and determined as demonstrated when she stands up to a Demi-god. She also seems to have a good sense of humor and quite a bit of energy. It's definitely seems like she's  a really fun character to watch on scene.

From what I've seen... the film looks really good. Disney really went out of it's way to research Hawaiian traditions and culture. Moana is actually voiced by a Hawaiian actress Auli'i Cravalho who really seems proud to showcase her cultural heritage and does an amazing job in the part. Maui is voiced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson who is guaranteed to be awesome in the role. The music of the film is written by Lin Manuel Miranda who is responsible for the Rap Musical Hamilton. The movie looks like it has a great blend of action and comedy. I think that it will be a great film to watch. :-)

Ok guys... A little bit of news. I'm going to be away in Japan at the beginning of December so I'm going to have to end this month's poll a little bit early. Probably the last chance to vote in it will be November 28th so please lock in the last of your votes before then. I also want to wish a belated Happy Thanksgiving to everyone reading this and hope that everyone has a great extended weekend. ^_^



  1. She cute i can't wait to see this movie she has a lot of great barefoot seen awesome post KSC :-D

    1. :-) Thanks Dean. Yeah I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie as well.

  2. With this movie and Sun and Moon, the media's really making Hawaii to be the happiest place on Earth, huh?

  3. I do like that Moana is stockier than the wispy body type Disney has been using in everything lately. Nice bit of variety. She looks really cute. :)

    1. :-D Yeah it's nice that Disney is giving us some variety with its characters. :-) I like her exotic appearance too.

  4. Thank you Disney for another beautiful barefooter
