Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Umi no Yami, Tsuki no Kage- Ruka Kobayakawa

Rumi's twin younger sister. Ruka is shyer than Rumi. however, sometimes, she becomes emotional like Rumi. Ruka was infected with a virus at an old burial mound, and she gets supernatural powers (flying in the sky and power pass-through), and an antibody to virus which Rumi scatters. Ruka falls in love with Touma Katsuyuki. She is in a dilemma because of her love for Katsuyuki and her love for Rumi. Ruka confronts Rumi with Katsuyuki. However, she hopes that she will be reconciled with Rumi. 


  1. Part of me wants to come back, but I'm not certain if I care enough anymore.

    Still kind of sad to see this place die though.

    1. It's dying because of you, you left for some moronic reason and talked crap to everyone and you took a majority of posts down so really who is the murderer here?

    2. I'm just saying the reason why s**t went south

  2. Instead of talking shit to each other, why don't you get more content up on this site? Come on, certainly there has to be more animated feet on the web!

    1. Because I'm pretty much the only contributor here now and for some reason no one else is either

    2. Hey GumballW can you please post Seryu Ubiquitous from Akame ga Kill!
