Friday, May 19, 2017

Ghost Sweeper Mikami- Reiko Mikami

Reiko Mikami is the main protagonist of the Ghost Sweeper Mikami series. She is one of the most skilled and powerful Ghost Sweepers in the world and is the president of the Mikami Ghost Sweeper Office. She is a beautiful and greedy, caring for nothing besides money (to the point of being ignored by the Unicorn), but deep down she has a good heart. She has feelings for Teruhiko Saijou and Tadao Yokoshima, the later being obvious for her after the events with Mephisto.


  1. Don't feed the troll. Ignore. It takes away his power. It's probably just that other disgruntled guy using a dummy account.

  2. Ignore them and keep up the great work

  3. I will come in and clean up the trash. just focus on posting these lovely beauties

  4. First Bambino now Trony, how many trolls are on this blog?

  5. Whats with those faggets from the Wiki. I mean C'mon, I check both sites because both are great I've contribute with the Wiki and I regularly check it for new material but lately is pure horse shit, male feet, animal character's feet, is embarrasing, at least this blog post pictures with high quality and from female characters...though I wish it would be more regular, anyway, keep on the good work guys and erase the poisining comments.

    1. Will you shut the fuck up does it really matter it's really starting to piss me off by saying that bullshit.

      It's used to be peaceful here but not anymore.

    2. Dude, you are making such a big deal about this for fuck's sake, they are just screencaps, besides are you getting paid on the wiki? are this blog stealing your money? shut the fuck up.

    3. Troy, I visite both and as I said I'm a contributor to the Wikia and to be honest I found this Blog before the Wikia and I like both sites. Again, the posts on the Wikia are lame AF lately, male feet, animal least this blog have a regular just female content.

    4. That's funny if that the case then Bambino has been taken from them to some of his post pictures were from Wikia so yes it did happen when he was on here.

  6. Tsk tsk tsk, kids, you should really play nice. Especially you bambino and trony

  7. Again, do not respond to Trony and Bambino. When i can i will clean up the trash. Be civil and feel free to post pictures of lovely beauties when you can.

  8. How does on contribute anyway? Need a moderator?

  9. "She is a beautiful and greedy, caring for nothing besides money"

    Well, now I know how to get at her feet. LOL XD

  10. A shame the drawing was rather poor.
