Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Minami-ke: Kana Minami

Kana is the middle sister of the Minami household and is in her second year of junior-high school. She is fairly ill-mannered and lazy compared to her sisters, preferring to spend her spare time lounging around the house and doing as little work as possible. However, depending on her overall mood and boredom levels, she is unarguably the most hyperactive of the bunch. She can be quite selfish at times, and will frequently play pranks on or tease her younger sister, Chiaki. She has a strong craving for food, especially chocolate and sweets, but is a terrible cook, so she often relies on Haruka or even Chiaki to do the cooking for her.


  1. nice work but still found her to be overall annoying

  2. Please make a post of Yazawa Nico from Love live school idol project, please!!

    1. what episodes is she barefoot?

    2. Why did you say her last name first
      Her first name is Nico and her last name is Yazawa right

    3. I sent screen caps to KingsideCastle from both seasons of Love Live. So he might post them one day ... hopefully soon.

    4. Doubt it according to Bambino he's overseas implying that he's in the army and you know

    5. That's to bad. Is there anyway I could post them or give them to someone else to post? I sent him numerous galleries, it would be a shame if they never got posted.

  3. Something about that second picture doesn't feel right
