Sunday, July 23, 2017

Prisoners(Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain)

                           people taken prisoner that you can rescue to bring back to your base.


  1. are you also going to pose Female Recruit in swimsuit

    1. If you play the Skulls Attack FOB mission you can buy swimsuits for your soldiers with reward points, then equip the bikini while playing as your female troops.

    2. the main reason i did that over and over again just to get it

    3. you can also staff your entire FOB with females and have them wear swimsuits which you can see during training. no clue if you can do that for Mother Base but would love to know if one knows how. currently working to making my Outer Harem

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not gonna lie, I did this a lot with the POWs I saved too. XD

  3. Damn I need to get this game again...

    1. when you do remember this to create your Outer Harem
      1. Side 0p 35 Prisoner Rescue
      2. Get close to the prisoner (do not evact her). If she does not have the right stats just reload checkpoint and the stats change.
      3. Select main mission 11
      4. Abort main mission
      rinse and repeat

    2. I am an absolute madman, i just spent so much time and now i have a staff of 1000+ female soldiers and i can visit my FOB where all of the women are in bikinis. so worth it

    3. Lucky I just bought a new game...
      Accel world vs sword art online. Can't wait to take barefoot screen shots
