Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Black Cat 2099: Spiderman Edge of Time

Ok the last of the Black Cat tributes. This one is dedicated to one of her videogame incarnations from Spiderman Edge of Time. The game has Spiderman travel to the future. The version of Black Cat he encounters is a clone of Felicia with certain genetic enhancements. She doesn't age and she has retractable claws in both her hands and feet. The nice thing about this version of the character is that her footwear exposes her feet quite a bit.
(A Big Thank you to the Sole Keeper for introducing me to this version of the character)

I bet this version  that she could probably deliver a pretty sharp kick. :-)

One of the cool things about the game things is you can unlock a figurine of Felicia which you can rotate, zoom in on and play with. Luckily someone posted a video of it online. :-D Also with a lot of these type of figures, I'd probably be using the Zoom feature a lot.

Bonus Content:
Some extra material that didn't make this set of tributes including some Cosplay pictures.

Also Note: I updated the last two Black Cat posts with some new pictures so be sure to check part one and two of the series again.

All right everyone. That is going to do it for Felicia. Hopefully I got all the scenes involving her feet but if there is something I missed please let me know and I'll post it. Thanks very much for reading and more to come soon.

Your Friendly Neighborhood KingsSideCastle