Saturday, September 23, 2017

School Rumble: Eri Sawachika, part 2

Eri Sawachika is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy British business man and a Japanese mother.  Eri is shown to love her father and wants to spend more time with him; however, whenever the two have plans he ends up leaving on business.  She is very athletic, intelligent, and can pick up most skills with just a little effort.  She is considered to be quite beautiful and popular, but that is also a double edge sword, as she can be seen as unapproachable by many and as a trophy by others. 

For the original gallery go to: Eri Sawachika, Part 1


  1. I should start watching this anime all the girls are hot it has a lot of foot scene and it looks funny. :-)

  2. Awesome character. :-D Great post Paganax.

  3. Cartoon Feet Blog was removed, It's gone forever :(

  4. She is totally a great anime female character because she can be mean, tactless, sassy, and rude (mostly to Harima because she fights her sudden emotions for him of all people-her 1st love) but she can also be very sweet as a friend even for a potential lover, encourager, an achiever, intelligent, reserved for some reason even if she had the chance to be a playgirl! She is also skillful in sports and stage acting except on swimming, cooking and sewing. The last two is expected for most rich kids unless if she decides to learn thise skills someday...after all she is a fast learner. She is not only just all about being very pretty and rich that is why I love her character. She is a dream girl cause she posses almost all good qualities a girl in school would like to have.

  5. She is totally a great anime female character because she can be mean, tactless, sassy, and rude (mostly to Harima because she fights her sudden emotions for him of all people-her 1st love) but she can also be very sweet as a friend even for a potential lover, encourager, an achiever, intelligent, reserved for some reason even if she had the chance to be a playgirl! She is also skillful in sports and stage acting except on swimming, cooking and sewing. The last two is expected for most rich kids unless if she decides to learn thise skills someday...after all she is a fast learner. She is not only just all about being very pretty and rich that is why I love her character. She is a dream girl cause she posses almost all good qualities a girl in school would like to have.
