Saturday, November 18, 2017

Boruto: Sakura

Sakura actually grew up to be a kind and loving mother. :-)
(These are from the Boruto episodes 17, 19, 22, 24)

You can see all of the posts involving Sakura's feet available on the site using the Sakura Haruno tag here: (Just click on older posts at the bottom of the screen until you reach the last one.)

I know I still have to go back and post some of her other barefoot scenes from the Naruto series. Eventually I'm hoping to have the completed set though.

Ok everyone that's all for now but as always more to come soon!


  1. I still don’t understand the Sakura hate but she’s got the 2nd best feet in the Naurtoverse the 1st being Hinata

    1. Hope we get some from Hinata the best girl in the show.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Your opinion dean. Not everyone thinks so =)

    4. Like Sakura I didn't get a chance to finish capping all of Hinata's scenes from Shippuuden yet. I think there 3 or 4 more episodes with her barefoot. I did do two posts for her earlier though (1, 2) Destiny Dueler also did a swimsuit post involving her here.

      I actually like all of the Naruto girls and think all of them are hot. My top 10 from the Naruto Series are.
      1) Ino
      2) Sakura
      4) Anko
      5) Kurenai
      6) Karin
      7) Hinata
      8) Shizune
      9) Tsunade
      10) Ten Ten

      If we factor in the Boruto characters I think that Sarada and Hanabi would make my top 5.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Oops messed up my post, wish there was an edit button XD

      My top ten are
      Yukie Fujikaze

      Runnerups in no order are Hanabi, Kurotsuchi, Karin, Sakura, Yugito, Temari, Mei, Tsunade, Kaguya.

      Then most of the rest course not all of them.

      Hinata is at the bottom of my list (RTN Hinata and MILF Hinata are a bit higher) alongside Kushina, Fū, Shion the blonde haired chick from the movie and Shizuka the girl with the black ponytail from the filler.

      Hinata just kinda gets on my nerves, she's too quiet and the bangs just kinda eh. Plus part 1 Hinata always looked like a boy to me.

      As of now I feel a bit odd on the Boruto girls as they are like 11 and 12 XD. Though that one new seven ninja swordsman girl was kinda cute.

    7. That's a good list Destiny Dueler. I forgot about Tayuya. She would probably rank in my top 10 as well. I like the female Jinchurikis also. In terms of family members Kushina, Sasuke's mother, Yoshino Nara (Shikamaru's mom) and Kiba's Sister Hana are all favorites too.

      I personally always liked Hinata's shy personality a lot. I know that I tend to go for dominant girls but her shy crush on Naruto was really charming. I was rooting for her to wind up with Naruto way more than Sakura. I know that others prefer her with short hair but I liked her appearance in Shippuuden more. I liked the alternate reality Hinata as well because it was so unexpected and grown up Hinata is such a sweet wife and mother.

      Oh yeah Seven Ninja Swordswoman was cute too. Hopefully we'll see more attractive female characters as the series progresses. ^_^

    8. I like Hana and Mikoto too XD. Kushina just looks like Naruto with a red wig on, so I couldn't really get into her. Same reason I don't like Female Naruto, he's just transformed XD. Yoshino is cute too.

      Eh she just got on my nerves XD. She took too long to do anything, and her relationship felt forced. Kishi says he planned it but I don't know if he just said that or meant it. I prefered Sakura as she's more passionate. Hinata is too submissive and seems like she'd just sit there like a slave waiting for you to tell her to do something, that would get boring to me. I like a more passion and attitude in the girls I like. Why I do like her RTN self and in Boruto she seems a bit more passionate she had that one scene. I just think her design is kinda boring too, though I feel like that with all the Hyuga's to be honest. Kinda like the Namekians in DB, they all kinda look the same.

      Very true.

    9. :-D Yes they are great. I think that Kushina has a much more feminine face than Naruto. Their their personalities might be what makes them look similar. She does a lot of the same facial expressions because she has an energetic personality like he does.

      I could see signs that Kishimoto was leaning towards a Hinata/Naruto romance early on. I read that his wife preferred for Naruto to wind up with Sakura but Kishimoto liked the Naru/Hina relationship more and wound up closing with that. I agree that Sakura is a more passionate character but I felt that Naruto's crush on her was way too one-sided. At a certain point I felt bad for him. I'm happy that he wound up with someone who loved him. Yeah I think the designs for the Hyuga are very similiar. The eyes were a nice distinguishing trait though.


    10. I can't see it lol, when I look at her I see Naruto.

      I dunno, he never paid any attention to Hinata at all. He talked to her a few times to encourage her but that's it. The anime played it up more but in the actual canon (manga) they talked like maybe a total of 4 times in Part 1 and maybe 7-8 times in Part 2. Out of all those chapters. Naruto never showed any interest in her and was always going for Sakura. Hell he showed more interest in Sasuke than he did Hinata.
      He didn't even bring up the Pain thing after she confessed. With Sakura he was determined to get her. Hell he even told Minato Sakura was his girlfriend. Kushina said find someone like me. Hinata is nothing like Kushina at all.

      It felt like Naruto settled for Hinata, he couldn't win Sakura's love so he just picked the girl that stalked him forever. I feel bad for Sakura, Sasuke didn't care about her at all, he tried to kill her twice, and put her in a genjutsu that made it seem like he killed her. Then all of a sudden he likes her and all is forgiven. Talk about an abusive relationship.

      None of the pairings at the end made sense except Shikamaru and Temari. Kiba and Uchiha Cat girl? They never met, and how would Kiba know about a secret place like that. Karui and Choji? They never met.

      Like I said Kishimoto admitted that after the series ended. We can't know if that's true, how would it look if he contradicted himself. He very may have well lied.

    11. I think that's because she has a lot of the same facial expression that Naruto does. I think Himawari's face is much closer to Naruto's in look because of the whiskers. She still looks a lot like her mother as well though.

      I felt there were scenes where Naruto and Hinata connected better especially in Shippuuden. Sakura was always too Sasuke obsessed to be a good match for Naruto. Yeah I felt bad for Sakura with Sasuke as well. Both of them have mellowed a lot in Boruto though and I think with Sarada now they make a good family.

      I was really happy that Shikamaru ending up with Temari. I was rooting for those two as a couple. It would be interesting to see how Chouji and Karui wound up together. Maybe they'll show some more info in Boruto in the future.

      Yes I think he was being honest in the interview. I suspected a Hinata and Naruto pairing earlier on when I was watching the anime even before Shippuuden. It's a similar thing with Harry Potter. I suspected that Ron and Hermione were going to be a romance since book one. Ginny seemed like a possibility for Harry as well after Chamber of Secrets. (Sidenote: Don't know if you're familiar with the Potter series just a comparison that came to mind.)

  2. Lovely post KSC, dunno if you posted any of Sakura during the Sasori fight. Was watching a youtube vid ranking the Akatsuki and call me weird but the way she pivots her feet during the end of the fight was kinda hot

    1. O.O I'll try to get that scene. Thanks Destiny Dueler. :-)

  3. Also were there any of Sarada barefoot with those stirup's like Karin? Shame if not XD

    1. Not so far. At least none that I am aware of yet. Maybe in the future though. *Crosses fingers*

    2. Oh one girl I forgot that is in my top 15 is Mirai Sarutobi

    3. :-D Mirai is hot. I have to read Konoha Shindan. I didn't get a chance to see her in action. She seems awesome.

  4. she is more likable in this series

    1. Yeah I think she's a really good mother.

    2. KSC I'm just going to ignore what Destiny Dueler said it is not just my opinion a lot more people would agree with me. And first Hinata did not look like a boy she was cute some needs to get there eyes check.
      Aka DD

    3. She was waaayy too whiney in first season

    4. Thanks Dean. Yeah I know that Hinata has a lot fans out there so you are not alone in having her as your favorite. I think she's cute as well.

    5. Yeah I think Sakura has grown up a lot since Season 1 Keychan. :-)
