Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Hey Arnold! Thanksgiving Feast Part 1: Helga Pataki

In Celebration of Thanksgiving and The Hey Arnold!: The Jungle Movie I think it would be appropriate to have a feast of Hey Arnold girl’s feet this week. Starting with the appetizer Helga i'm going to be honest here I don't like Helga but I can't ignore her. Before you say it, Yes I know I left out the foot massage scene but that's because I didn't like that scene it was weird, awkward and it made me uncomfortable.


  1. I don't blame you for the massage scene, even when I was little I found it weird and awkward too.

  2. Shes one of the few tomboys i wasnt really a fan of. Understood why she was angry all the time but it felt kind of excessive at some times

    aside from that HEY ARNOLD JUNGLE MOVIE FINALLY CONFIRMED!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMiE3yekxz8

    1. I know that’s why i have 2 more Hey Arnold posts coming

    2. still remember Hey Arnold was the first cable show i saw, so glad they are finally giving it a proper ending

  3. Helga is like, oddly sexy, sorry ... Haha
