Thursday, November 16, 2017

Tara Duncan: The Evil Empress: Tara Duncan & Gloria Daavil

Tara Duncan (Blonde Hair) is clever, outgoing, and a bit headstrong, willful, and stubborn. She always knows what she wants, and is not afraid to go after it. She also has an unwavering desire to fit in and be normal, as is an earth spellbinder. Unfortunately, Sandra and her Alpha Team missions make it very difficult for her to make nonspell friends and seem normal and Gloria Daavil a.k.a Sparrow (Brown Hair) is shy, smart, and a friendly person. She is sensible and reasonable. At times, she can be very prideful of her intelligence, though. Sparrow easily gets very upset or anxious, which turns her into beast form. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on who's your favorite, Gloria got the most scenes so take with a grain of salt that Tara is only barefoot for the first 7 images.


  1. always annoys me a show with such beauties and the only clear sole shot we get is from a guy

    1. Anyway i found the missing Amalia shots from episode 12 I’ll post them if or when we ever get Season 4 or new OVAs

    2. there better be a season 4, just finished episode 13 and they left it on such a cliffhanger
