Sunday, November 12, 2017

Thor Woman Poll Results

I apologize for the slow posting of this. I wound up getting back really late last night.

Anyway...The Thor Women Poll has reached its Ragnarok. After an intense fight and 98 votes... here are the results...

It look the Female Thor Jane Foster hammered her way to the top of this poll. With 31 votes, she reached 1st place and proved that her feet are the ones that most people deemed worthy of worship. In second place was the hot sorceress the Enchantress and the Warrior Woman Sif just narrowly claimed the first spot. Don't feel too bad for the other women in this poll. They all have proved to have fans of  their own and even a rare character like Freyja has a foot worshiper for each of her feet. The biggest comeback in the poll though has to go Hela who had a spike in popularity over the weekend.

Just a big thank you to everyone for voting. I know that this is a rare set of women. Special thanks to Flynn Mars for recommending this poll as well. Ok... I'll try to do a tribute to Jane Foster in the future. It's also worth noting that Sif and Amora already have tributes on the site but I love to tribute them again as well. :-D

All right guys. That's all from me for today. As always more to come soon!


  1. In terms of personal favorites, It wasn't an easy choice for me but I had to go with the Enchantress on this one. She was one of my early Marvel crushes and it's hard not to like a seductive villainess. I came close to picking female Thor 🔨 too though. ^_^

    Anyway great voting guys. :-)

  2. Yeah I don't choose
    But i have an idea poll favorite girl from my hero Academia.

    1. I'll try to look into that series. Thanks for the suggestion Dean. :-)

  3. It was close. Loved that you took my idea for this poll. Thanks.

    1. :-D Thanks again for the great recommendation Flynn.
