Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Catwoman Megapost Part 8: Gotham (Camren Bicondova)

This was another version of Selina that I originally intended to skip. However, her actress Camren Bicondova posted a toe wiggling clip to her Instagram this season resulting in her wikifeet popularity ranking going way up and ensuring that any attempts to gloss over this version of Catwoman would be really hard to do. 😺 

Analysis: I watch Gotham regularly so I know all its strengths and weaknesses. It is not a bad show but I can understanding why comic fans might initially want to skip this one. The idea of a show taking place in Batman's home city without Batman making an appearance (at least initially) is hard to jump on board with. As it turns out... the writers have done a pretty good job developing a show around the atmosphere and characters of the city. The villains in this story are particularly compelling. A typical episode of the show alternates between several intertwining character plots. The main stories center around  Police Detective James Gordon struggling with a corrupt police department in a mob controlled city but we also get several villain stories as well. Penguin attempts to work his way up in the Criminal underworld and the Riddler develops from quiet mortician into a criminal mastermind. Catwoman and Poison Ivy are orphans struggling in the rough streets of the city and we see the insanity that gives rise to the Joker develop. There are a lot of other criminals who appear as well. We're also given the storyline of a young Bruce Wayne who hasn't quite established the role he would later take on as the hero of the city.

The Selina in this series has a lot of episodes that focus on her relationship with Bruce Wayne. With so many other storylines going on in the series, the Bruce Wayne story arcs often wind up not being the most compelling because we know what is going to happen well in advance. Spoiler Alert: He becomes Batman. 😜 We basically see Bruce learn the skills he needs to become the Dark Knight in slow motion. By extension the Selina storylines wind up not being too compelling either. I do think that they picked a good actress to play Selina though and I know that Camren Bicondova has worked hard to fill the role. Camren has a dancing background so she has the gracefulness to do Selina justice. She's also an animal lover and has a cat of her own. In an interview Camren admitted that studying Cats helped her to get cast in part. She tried mimicking Catlike movements in her audition. I feel that Camren definitely has the spirit to play the character well. I just hope that they give her some good storylines to work with. 

Ok everyone. That's going to be it for now. There are still a couple more versions of Catwoman to cover. The next set will involve some super rare incarnations. On that note... more to come soon!


  1. Can someone please include Dana Barrett?

  2. Used to like the show until it went from an alternate story to outright fanfiction. I like her hairstyle

    1. It has a lot of plots going on because of all the characters. Sometimes the plots are good. Other times the plost miss the mark a bit. :-) Yeah I like her hairstyle as well.

    2. They made Penguin and Riddler a gay couple. This was fanfiction

    3. Oh yeah...I was rolling my eyes at that arc too. I think they put that story on Ice though. Penguin had a relationship with Falcone's daughter this season.

  3. ❓Nygmobblepot☂️ was a cool shipping.
