Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Ar Tonelico: Misha Arsellec Lune

Misha is a Pureblooded β-Type Reyvateil, one of the main heroines in Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia, and is also known to the Teru Tribe as the Star Singer. Since she has a pure bloodline, she is able to cast more powerful spells than regular Reyvateils. Her main purpose in life is to sing the Song Chronicle Key to seal Mir away. She and Lyner are childhood friends in Platina, although he does not remember her at first when they meet in Tenba. She is also a good cook. Dispassionate, composed, and sometimes childish, Misha is quite bold and does not hesistate to make move on Lyner. She suffers from acrophobia, and is also quite a klutz. It is worth noting that despite being older than Aurica, Misha is trapped in her 12-year-old body until she recovered the Chronicle Key. In the game, Misha's specialties are thunder and ice magic. Her Mind Guardian is Hama, a spirit that came from the ocarina that Lyner made for Misha before she left to sing the Chronicle Key.


  1. Who the one that post game character because on Dragon ball xenoverse 2 dlc pack 6 Android 18 and Videl are wearing bikinis and they are barefoot to.

    1. I would need game footage of that

    2. Would you also get game footage of Eleanor Lamb from Bioshock 2? There is a scene in the game that lets you look at her soles for as long as you want

    3. No but i am very close to the scene in replaying the game. Any tips on how to record it and send it to myself?

    4. No I’d just go to a play through on YouTube and cap as much as I could

    5. well i see there is some share options, will tinker with it tomorrow and when i get video will send it to you

  2. Don’t remember this character pretty hot tho
